Bonjour, Paris !

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As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to see the world. I've always wanted to travel, thanks to Harry, I've already seen Scotland which has been on my bucket list for ages now. It is certain that like, I would say, 99% of the world population, I also dreamed of discovering France, Paris in particular.


Prepare yourself for landing.

I jump on my carry-on baggage, and pull out my packets of gum.

R: Can i have one?

J: Me too?

I hand them the package, then start to put my headphones in my bag, as well as my water bottle and my phone that I open one last time to see my wallpaper, it's Harry and me, all smile. Then, I put the object in my bag and close the bag. We are already going down. My body seems to be relaxed I am evacuated in my bench, in my head on the other hand I hood, we had some big turbulence during the flight, let's say that I can not wait to walk on the ground.


As soon as we are in the airport, I take out my phone like bah, everyone. It is 8 p.m. here in Paris, so 2 p.m. at my place. I tap on Harry's name in my favorites to call him.

It's ringing...

..: Hello?

V: Hi, it's me! We have arrived!

..: V?

V: Well yes who else?

I'm starting to fail a bit. What's wrong with him?

V: Harry, are you okay?

..: HAHAHAHA, wait V didn't you recognize me? It's James!

V: Oh okay HAHA, and why are you answering for Haz?

James:Well actually we were wondering if we had the same voice!

V: Well, I can confirm it to you James, that yes, I was starting to have bad scenarios in my head. Anyway, we've arrived. Could I talk to H?

James: Yeah, right away.

H: Hi, my love!

V: Harry?

H: Well yes, it's me sweet creature.

V: We arrived and we are going out right now in the luggage room, where are you?

H: We couldn't get too many fans out of the vehicle, but we sended you Paul the bodyguard, you know the big bald guy.

V: Uh .. Ok yes ... I see it is not subtle all hahahah.

H: We're expecting you, we're on a street corner in a big white van.


As soon as the back door of the van opens an arm pulls me inside, it's him, my Harry.

H: I missed you so much V.

He serves me in his arms then our lips meet by themselves they are attracted by the other like magnets. We draw back at the end of our breath.

V: Hi Haz!

N: And do we count for butter or what?

Niall and the others are watching Harry and me.

V: Hi, are you guys okay? You, Ireland how are you, you know I missed you, don't tell Harry, but I missed you more than him.


Then Haz, kisses my cheek and laughs in my neck.

Me and the girls kiss the guys, then the driver tells us to hang on to you kids, let's go.

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Where stories live. Discover now