a date?

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As soon as I get away from Jason and his mate I run to find Mia. She wasn't all that hard to track down to be honest. Her sent is so unique and strong I could probably track her down if she was in another country across the world. Irrelevant...

I found Mia in the pack house in the kitchen talking to her father about being alpha.

"I don't want to be alpha yet, I don't know how I could handle that. And people barley respect me dad. They still want you." Mia protests to what I'm assuming is her dad trying to step down.

"Honey, people are already calling you alpha, you have a mate now and a strong one at that. Your expected to become alpha now. You know the rules and the process." Her dad pushed. He's not lying, everyone I've talked to have called me luna or alpha today.

"But your still alive dad!" Mia tries to bargain.

"Those are not the rules little one." Alpha laughs.

"Dad! I don't wanna be alpha yet! I can't handle it dad. I just met my mate and things are fine right now. You stay alpha for a little longer. Please?"

"You have a month Mia. But we are co alphas, meaning I will teach you how to be alpha and representing as alpha to the people. Got it?"

"Yes dad" Mia bows her head. "Can I go to Alla now?"

"Yeah go on, be back by dinner" he says.

Mia sprints out of the kitchen and jumps into my arms.

"I missed you!" She says into my neck.

My heart instantly melts at her words and touch. "I missed you too." I say back. " Hey, so I want you to get dressed into your prettiest outfit." She leans back to look into my eyes, still in my arms.

"What for?" She asks concern in her eyes.

"I'm taking you somewhere."

Mias eyes light up and a smile spreads across her face. "Okay."

" go now I'll come up in a sec to change too"

After Mia runs up stairs I go to the kitchen where the cooks are prepping food.

"Hi guys." I call, instantly everyone bows and welcomes me. "I have a favour to ask of you. Could someone make a sweet basket, full of cakes and desserts, and drinks? Please? Pretty please?"

"Yes of course luna" they all respond instantly and get to working on the basket.

I thank everyone and sprint up stairs to get a pretty face on and cute clothes that Mia would love on me.

So, I was thinking when walking to the pack house that I didn't want our first date to be a double date with my ex mate. I would hate it if that was my first romantic memory if I was in mias position, so I came up with a cute idea to take Mia on a hike up a mountain and watch the sun set while eating sugary treats.

It would be perfect. It's coming up to 4 o'clock and sun sets at 7 here do we will have enough time.

I can't wait to see her face when she's staring at the sunset. It will be so romantic I really can't wait.

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