Chapter 1

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I was sitting behind the counter at the local beer store in my minuscule North Carolina town named after two types of Christmas trees, dressed in a Southside Serpents crop top, light skinny jeans, red chuck taylor's, and a black beanie. I was listening to a mix of songs by Colson Baker; better known by his stage name Machine Gun Kelly. As I listened to the words of a beautiful man with a clearly troubled soul I closed my eyes and allowed myself to daydream. My eyes closed slowly and when they were shut I was looking back into his piercing icy blue eyes. I continued to daydream as I imagined him wrapping me in his arms as his 6'4" frame towered over me. I stretched up to my tip toes waiting to feel his lips against mine when I was jolted back to my miserable reality by the tinkling of the door opening.

    Coming back from my daydream I seen the face of my best friend Nessa

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Coming back from my daydream I seen the face of my best friend Nessa. She took one look at me and knew that I had been zoned out in yet another Colson induced daydream. "Hey weirdo, you dreaming about the tatted up white rapper known as MGK again"? The words rolled off her tongue matter of factly as I looked at her with a glimpse of shame. She knew me all too well and that sometimes frightened me. Nessa grinned at me with her perfect white teeth glimmering and her emerald green eyes shining; oh how I wished to be as beautiful as her. Don't get me wrong I was my own type of beautiful but Nessa was a knockout! Men would bend to her every whim and desire and I wanted to know exactly how that felt.


I am scheduled to play an acoustic set at some dive bar called the Orange Peel to promote the sale of my new album "Hotel Diablo". I have been on this damn bus for months and it was catching up to me. All the partying was getting old; a new city every night and new girls every night. Shit even the girls were starting to get old, just someone to keep me company at night. I was drinking anything that I could get my hands on and popping whatever pills were available. Sometimes it was weed, other times I was dropping acid, and ingesting copious amounts of painkillers. I was out of control on the highway to hell and not a single person cared.


I can't believe Nessa! She's literally the best friend! She had worked her magic and had gotten us tickets to see MGKs acoustic performance at the Orange Peel tomorrow and I was ecstatic! I was going to find my best outfit wear; even though I wasn't planning on being noticed by the multi talented star I still felt like I needed to look my best. The next 24 hours drug by due to my excitement. I could hardly wait to see the man that was the epitome of sex in person and in a raw acoustic performance. His music spoke to me in ways no others had before, the darkness inside him perfectly matched mine. Kindred spirits, I could relate to his lyrics like they were written just for me; I might not have grown up on the streets of Cleveland and I might not have gone to the school of hard knocks like Colson but I had my demons and they appreciated his soul; if he had one.


This city was amazing, it was the perfect mix of small town and big city all in an impeccable combination. Knowing the ins and outs of city life from growing up in "the land" had its perks; it meant I could find a place to score easily. Sadly, that would have to wait until after the acoustic show. All I could think about was getting high; I rushed through my set not giving the people the show they paid for or deserved. When I shuffled off the stage I ditched my crew and management looking to score some coke. My demons chased me as I was looking for the seediest place in town; knowing that is where I could find a quick deal. As I left the Orange Peel I had grabbed a disguise because if I went out as MGK I would never find what I was desperately searching for.

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