Chapter 16

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I couldn't take the pressures of the media anymore, I wanted to go back home to NC and live my simple life, I loved Colson more than anything in this world but I knew that this city life just wasn't for me, or at least not permanently. I knew that Colson wouldn't go back to NC with me because that didn't go over to well the last time. I was going to have to talk to him though because this whole ordeal was starting to take its toll on my anxiety and depression. The thought of leaving and him not wanting to come with me stressed me out because I didn't want to end our relationship but sadly I was preparing myself for it.

I walked down the hallway of the massive house towards the living room. Slim, Dub, and Rook all around playing video games unaware of my presence. I spoke up, "guys do you know where Colson is? I need to talk to him" looking around slightly Dub said "he's downstairs in the studio, hasn't come out for most of the afternoon" I yelled a thank you as I walked down the stairs to the studio Colson had set up in his basement. I got to the bottom of the stairs and opened the door to see his tall lanky figure stretched across a red leather couch with his eyes closed and headphones in. He looked so peaceful, like nothing in the world mattered; he was handsome all the time but when the stress of life melted from his face while he was sleeping, listening to music, or spending time with Casie he was absolutely beautiful.

Sauntering over to him, I slowly sat on the couch. As he felt my weight disperse he opened his eyes and smiled that heartbreaking perfect smile. He looked into my eyes and immediately saw a hesitation in my eyes. Sitting up, he said "baby, are you okay?" My emotions gave me away and a tear slipped down my cheek, I sighed and spoke slowly "I can't stay in LA anymore Colson, the media is eating me alive and the stress is starting to get to me." I began to sob because leaving him would break my heart more than he would ever know.


Leslie thought I didn't see the stress she was under since the incident with Barry, but it affected me just as much, listening to her cry in her sleep, tossing and turning all night, and her face dropping every time a reporter asked her about it. My heart broke seeing her become a shell of the person she was before. I slowly reached out and grabbed her hands, the hurt in her eyes broke every piece of my heart. "Leslie, you are mad if you don't think I haven't seen the way this has affected you, every night you cry in your sleep and I hold you tight to comfort you and to make you feel loved. I understand that this is taking its toll on you and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make you feel okay again. If that means moving us as far away from LA as possible for a little while then that is what I am willing to do"

She looked at me with those big blue eyes, filled with tears; and sniffed "Colson I can't ask you to up root your life in LA for me" her words were broken from where she was crying so hard. "I have a surprise for you babe" I watched the life come back into her eyes with excitement "Colson what did you do?!" I slowly handed her my phone with a picture of the mountain home I bought in her hometown. 


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