Chapter 12

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I was surprised at how well that went, I was so nervous; hoping that her parents liked me. I had never met any of my ex girlfriends parents, this was completely new to me and if I was being honest, I really liked the feeling of this family. We planned on going to bed early because Leslie said she had something she wanted to do tomorrow and that we needed to be well rested, I took a shower and enjoyed the hot water against my skin, feeling refreshed and ready for bed I stepped out of the bathroom at the only hotel in Spruce Pine and seen Leslie lying on my bed asleep in a Victoria's Secret Pink baggy long sleeved shirt and black Adidas shorts, her long black hair was sprawled out around her and she looked even more beautiful if that was possible. I snapped a quick picture of her sleeping and I posted it.

@machinegunkelly: I don't know what I did right in my life to deserve such a beautiful angel but here she is

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@machinegunkelly: I don't know what I did right in my life to deserve such a beautiful angel but here she is. @lesbbyXX I promise to make this life Heaven on earth for you ❤

I watched her sleep for a while because I was taken aback by her beauty and that she wanted to be with me. Knowing what she knows about me all the highs and lows in my career and the battles I had fought when I was younger, none of that mattered to her and she just wanted me for me, all the flaws, all the imperfections, the drinking, the drugs, she wanted every bit of my sloppy hot mess of a life. I couldn't wait for her to meet Casie one day I knew that Case would love her just as much as I do. I couldn't help but think of how Barry caused her so much pain in her life and it brought a tear to my eye, Les was an angel; how anyone could do to her the things he did was beyond my scope of thinking. I climbed into bed next to her and lightly laid my arm around her, keeping her safe within my embrace.

I woke up to her nuzzling on my neck, it was nice to feel her in my arms and I sleepily opened my eyes and said "good morning princess, what time is it?" She leaped from the bed and said happily "it's five in the morning babe," "why are you waking me up this early you devil woman" I said half joking, Her blue eyes shined with the eagerness of a child "because there is something that I want to show you but we have to get up early to see it" she was so happy that I couldn't dream of breaking her spirits. We got into the car, just the two of us we left the others happily asleep in their beds. 

She had made a thermos of coffee which I was appreciative for and then she pulled off on the side of the road and said "be patient Colson, I promise this will be worth it." We drank coffee and talked about our lives, our pasts, and what we wanted for our futures when the sun started peeking over the mountains. The sight of the North Carolina mountains at daybreak was something to behold. 

I snapped the picture and she said "thank you, for the post you made last night of me sleeping, it made me feel loved, wanted, and beautiful even with no makeup and messy hair." I smiled as I looked at her and said "I promise what I said, I will make this life a heaven on earth for you as long as you will let me Leslie Drake." Tears began to run down her face and I could see just how truly happy she was. 

@machinegunkelly: Sharing a beautiful sunrise with the most beautiful woman and the most wonderful coffee ❤😂 @lesbbyXX

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@machinegunkelly: Sharing a beautiful sunrise with the most beautiful woman and the most wonderful coffee ❤😂 @lesbbyXX


We kept up with the search for Barry but so far it was turning up nothing and honestly I hoped it stayed that way. Maybe he decided to go back to wherever it was that he was living and leave me, Colson and our families alone. It had been several weeks since Kells met my parents and my mom loved him like I knew she would and my dad like always was indifferent when it came to my love life. Colson was getting ready to have to go back to LA so that he could start working on his next album "Tickets to my Downfall" and honestly the thought of him leaving broke my heart, I found myself constantly holding on to the machine gun pendant hanging from my neck just so I could remind myself that he loved me.

I hadn't talked to him about these feelings because I didn't want to be the insecure girlfriend who always thought he was out cheating so I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut on the matter, I had picked up a couple of shifts at the store while I was in town and every time Kells came to visit me people would stare and whisper the whole time. They either knew who he was or they were being judgmental because of all his tattoos and different sense of style. I heard one woman say under her breath to a friend she was with that I would have been better off with that sweet young man Barry and I lost my mind. I looked at her and said "well if I had stayed with sweet little Barry I would have been buried six feet under by now from where he would beat the shit out of me!"

My manager sent me home because of my meltdown and I couldn't do anything but sit and cry. Colson, Rook, and Slim were out playing golf at the only golf course we had in town and by playing golf I mean they were probably getting drunk and disturbing the peace. Two hours later I got a call from my friend Mel who is a police officer saying that they had the boys in custody and that I needed to come pick them up before they took them to jail. I sped to the police department and I was furious with all of them. I started shouting as I walked down the hall of the police department "I CAN'T LEAVE YOU ALL ALONE FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS BEFORE I HAVE TO COME PICK YOUR ASSES UP FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, ARE Y'ALL FUCKIN KIDDIN ME?!!" my southern accent really comes out when I am pissed off. "FROM NOW ON IF YOU WANT BAILED OUT OF JAIL OR PICKED UP FROM SOMEWHERE CALL ASHLEIGH!!!"

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