Chapter 4

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There was a frantic pounding at my hotel door, when I opened it all my frustration melted away. Standing in front of me was Leslie, fresh from the shower wearing a crop top, and it was obvious she had no bra on; and shorts that rested just below her firm ass cheeks. I was stunned by her natural beauty until I realized her expression  was frantic, scared even. Her breathing was heavy as she panted out "I'm sorry". My face must have given away what I was thinking because she said "there is something that I need to tell you, and it's very important.

Tears began to flow and she began telling me of the douche-bag back home named Barry who had taken advantage of her when she was in a vulnerable place in her life. She recapped how she fell in love with Barry when she was 16 years old and that he was much older than her. He became possessive and abusive and when she would try to leave he would play the victim and tell her he wished he was dead or he was going to kill himself. This torture went on for years and finally he was accused of things that I never wanted to mention again and he moved away to the city that we were currently in.

Leslie told me she hadn't heard from him in years, until she was getting in the shower just a few minutes ago. Fear was all I could see in her eyes as she let me read the messages Barry had just sent. Trying to keep her calm I reminded her that he hadn't seen her in years and that he would probably no longer recognize her, and in this city there would be no way he could find her. That's when she told me that he was psychotic and that he wouldn't stop until he found her. He still had friends back at home and they had kept tabs on her for him, telling him about her life, how she fixed her hair, and what car she drove. I vowed to her then that I was going to do whatever it took to keep her safe, and I meant every damn word.


Hearing him tell me he was going to keep me safe was the sexiest thing I have ever heard a man say and if I was being honest with myself, it made me a little bit hot and bothered. I had always loved this man for the words that would caress my ears through my headphones and here I was sitting next to him on a hotel bed! As the anger left his body from the things I had told him about my past I could see that there was another emotion taking its place. Was I crazy to think that it was love I saw in those pure blue eyes? I wrapped my arms around his tattooed waist and felt his arms circle around my body, the feeling was warm and welcoming as I let my body melt into his. I looked up into eyes and before I could think or talk myself out of it; my lips found his. I pulled away in shock and shame that I had let such lustful emotions take over my thought process but before I could verbalize an apology Colson grabbed my face and brought his lips to meet mine.

We hungrily explored each others mouths and just like that with one taste, I was trapped. This man was everything I didn't know I needed in my life. Now, not only was I mesmerized by his words but I was enthralled by his presence. My hands roamed all over his tattooed chest and stomach and in my mind I was dreaming, there was no way this was real. My body pressed against his wanting more but as my hands reached his belt line he pulled away. Damn, I had just taken my shot and was rejected. Colson was able to read the hurt in my eyes and quickly said "I don't want to treat you like a groupie because you are more to me than that". Just like that I knew that I was in for a rollercoaster ride that was only going up from here. 


I could tell from her body language that she wanted so much more than to just feel my lips on hers but I did not want to treat this woman like just another groupie that hung around our tour bus. Leslie was beautiful, smart, kind, and unlike other girls that I had been with she wasn't completely strung out. She liked a good bump of coke every now and then but that was about it as far as a drug addiction went. She stayed in my room that night because she was too scared to sleep alone. I offered to sleep on the couch and let her have my bed like a gentleman, which was something foreign to me. She grabbed my hand and look at me with those big blue eyes and said "will you please sleep next to me so I don't feel so alone"?

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