Chapter 9

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DISCLAIMER!!! This chapter contains self harm!! Please if you are triggered by this subject skip this section of the story!! 


I was crying in the shower feeling sorry for myself just like I used to when I was actually with Barry, he had been back in my life for a little more than a week and I was already back to the place I was when I was sixteen years old again. All of a sudden I heard Kells outside the bathroom door singing. 

"I tried to get away with the worst this time, you caught me Tried to find a place for the words so I can say sorry It's so shitty how I waste love, I know it's shitty how I waste love"

There, standing soaking wet with tears running down my face listening to Kells sing to me through the bathroom door was when I realized that I did in fact love this man for everything he is, and all that he is going to be. His music saved my life long before he ever knew me, and it had just saved it again. I stepped out of the shower with makeup running down my face, wrapped a towel around my hair and my body and unlocked the door. Shock registering in his eyes when he saw the small cuts on my wrists and the razor blade in my hand, blood dripped down my arms and onto the snow white carpet of the hotel floor.

Sniffing I looked at Colson as tears formed in his eyes, "your music saved me from my blade once before, your voice always seems to reach me when I need it the most." He still didn't speak a word, but he didn't have to because his actions spoke louder. Slowly reaching his hands to my face and wiping the tears from my cheeks he took me by the hand and led me to the bed, he sat me down and then grabbed the first aid kit. Gently he dressed the wounds I had made on my arms and cleaned the blood from my skin, after he went to my suitcase to find me something to put on. He handed me a pair of shorts, my slides, and a baggy Balenciaga hoodie that was obviously his. He chuckled a little bit and said "Slim or Ashleigh must have put this in here by mistake, but I would really like it if you would wear it for me." I looked into his pure blue eyes and felt at home, I spoke for the first time and said "I would do anything for you and those ocean eyes of yours."


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Leslie looked good in my sweatshirt, I probably would let her keep it since it looked better on her anyway. I watched as Les scrolled through her social media accounts, she had gained quite a following since everyone thought that we were together and from her performance with me in Nevada. She clicked out of her socials and made a phone call, "Hey Chuck it's Leslie again, I was just checking in on the situation." She huffed with frustration, I guess it wasn't good news. While I listened to her side of the conversation I still wondered who Chuck was, and how he was going to help. Last time she spoke to him I was so upset that she didn't trust me or my crew to keep her safe that I ended up hurting her and driving her into a dark place that I never wanted her to go back to.

When I saw that she was hanging up the phone I patted her leg slightly and with a whisper I asked "Chuck, who is he and how does he know about the situation that you are in?" I could tell that she was frustrated that I was asking this question again even though it was a little more gentle than it was last time. Exhaling a deep breath she explained to me that when she was younger Chuck was the investigating officer in Barry's allegations. He attempted to get Leslie to move across the country with him and Chuck's theory was that Barry was going to murder Leslie and then go on with his life. Chuck made Leslie promise that if Barry ever had any kind of contact with her after he skipped town that she would call him immediately so that Barry could be put behind bars. Hearing her story broke my heart, all the pain and suffering she had lived through made her strong, she had a moment of weakness and we made sure to keep the bandages covered; it was our secret and I would keep it until my dying breath.


We decided to take a private flight from Australia to Bora Bora, I was craving sun and sand and just to be relieved of some stress. Chuck had checked in a little before our flight and was letting me know that right now the situation was under control and that Barry has not been spotted near my family. I also typed out a quick message to Nessa letting her know the update that I had gotten from Chuck and that I wanted her staying at my parents house while I was gone, She agreed and made sure to tell me that when all of this was over we were taking a girls only trip back to Bora Bora.

We were sitting on the beach of our private bungalow watching the sunset and I couldn't help but take another picture, there was soft music playing in the background making this a picture perfect moment. Connecting my phone to the bluetooth speaker I played the song that reminded me of Colson every time I heard it, I couldn't help but sing along.

     "I've been watching you for some time Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes Burning cities and napalm skies Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Your ocean eyes"  

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     "I've been watching you for some time Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes Burning cities and napalm skies Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Your ocean eyes"  


She sang to me as we watched the sun set on a perfect day in the most perfect place. Leslie was perfect, I couldn't wait to tell her how I felt about her. I didn't want to overload her emotions so I was trying to wait until we knew that the Barry situation was under control before I confessed my undying love for her. I heard my phone beep signaling a notification, I unlocked my phone and saw a picture of the sunset we were sitting under.

 I heard my phone beep signaling a notification, I unlocked my phone and saw a picture of the sunset we were sitting under

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@lesbbyXX: "Burning cities and napalm skies, fifteen flares inside those Ocean Eyes; YOUR ocean eyes" @machinegunkelly

I wasn't very good at taking hints but this certainly set some signals off in my head. I wasn't waiting any longer to tell Les how I felt about her, she deserved all the perfect love in the world and I wanted to be the one to give it to her. I quickly texted Ashleigh and told her that I needed her on the next flight to Bora Bora ASAP because I needed all the help I could get to pull this off. 

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