Chapter 7

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Colson couldn't take his eyes off me or get his jaw off the ground, I guess me and Rookie did a good job shopping. "DAMN Les you look great!" he said as he picked me up and spun us around in circles. It has been so long since someone made me feel so beautiful and I couldn't believe it was Colson Baker. I read the stories and saw the headlines, everyone knew MGK was a player; it was just his personality. Could I, Leslie Drake be the one to tame his wild heart?

We were at the sound check and Kells was sounding amazing. He stopped the sound check and said "I think I'm going to try something different here guys". Next thing I knew he was wrapping his arms around my waist "I heard you singing the other day in the hotel room, would you like to duet with me tonight on stage? Any song you want we will sing it together". I was flabbergasted and so nervous but I also knew exactly which song I wanted to duet with him.


She agreed to the duet, the song she wants to sing my song "Waste Love". I know how much music is a part of Leslie's life so if this is the song she chose there has to be a reason why. This song is one of my favorites and I know it will make her happy. I have made it through my set and the time comes to bring her out. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to do something a little bit different and instead of ending the show right here, I will be performing one more song." The crowd goes wild for one more song.

"I would like to introduce to you all my very special friend, Leslie Drake, we will be performing together the song off my album Hotel Diablo; Waste Love". The music starts and the crowd falls silent, I could see the fear in Leslie's eyes of being in front of all these people. I whisper to her "just look at me and nowhere else, I'm here with you". She smiled and we began to sing, it was magical and electric our performance was perfect in every way and the fans loved it! Leslie is going to be a star!


Oh my gosh! I can't believe I just did that! I sang a duet with Machine Gun Kelly in front of thousands of people and it was so electrifying! Kells told me we could perform any song I wanted, I chose this one hoping he would understand that I am falling for him but I was scared that he would throw my love away like he has done so many times before to many other women. I don't think he's getting the hint but he's so cute when he's clueless. Now that the show was over, it was time to get ready for our flight to Australia. Because the flight was such a time crunch Ashleigh and Slim were at the hotel packing our things for us. Who knew that a life this luxurious would be so exhausting.

As soon as we made it through security and made it to our first class seats, I was ready to pass out, I leaned back jammed my headphones in my ears and let his music drift me into a trance. Before I knew it, I was being woken up by the sound of his voice telling me it was almost time to land. I pushed his hand away that was resting on my arm and said "no I just want five more minutes." Kells chuckled "I figured you weren't easy to wake up that's why I started waking you up 15 minutes early. I groaned "I hate you Colson". I was in no way a morning person but seeing the sunrise from an airplane was the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed, and it was even more beautiful because I was sharing it with Machine Gun Kelly. I snapped a quick picture of the sunrise posting to my social media accounts

@lesbbyXX: I woke up to this view and I couldn't imagine sharing it with anyone else but you, thank you for taking me to new heightsXX @machinegunkelly

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@lesbbyXX: I woke up to this view and I couldn't imagine sharing it with anyone else but you, thank you for taking me to new heightsXX @machinegunkelly


My phone dinged in my pocket with a notification alert. I was stunned by what she had posted, it was a beautiful sunrise picture from the window of the plane and tagging me in her caption. Quickly the comments started rolling in mostly positive because my fans are loyal and supportive. However, there were a few hateful ones as well, coming from mostly female celebs just mad because I wouldn't give them the time of day or because I wouldn't get back with them, and then the superfan girls who are hating because they didn't get their chance.

 @iamhalsey: he will break your heart like he always does sweetie

@chanteljefferies: @lesbbyXX listen to @iamhalsey and just save yourself the trouble

 @randomESTchick: @lesbbyXX you aren't good enough for Kells, just go kill yourself

I saw Leslie looking through the comments but she didn't seem phased by the nastiness people on the internet were throwing at her. I grabbed her hand and said "if you want to talk about the things people are saying on the internet, just know that I am here for you, I know how those hurtful comments feel when you are living on cloud 9 and just want to be happy." 

She looked at me with more confidence than I have ever seen anyone have and said "oh they don't bother me, Barry took so much of me when I was with him that these comments are nothing." I was shocked, this woman was even more amazing, taking the hate with a grain of salt. Then there was one comment that came in that made both of our blood run cold. 

@BitchinB: @machinegunkelly @lesbbyXX I will find you! 

@machinegunkelly: @BitchinB Good Luck 👿

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