Chapter 17

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We had been partying for hours and the night was still young, it had been a long time since I had let myself go. I felt so free, I knew the hangover tomorrow was going to be a bitch but I was ready for it. As I poured myself another drink, I watched Kells sitting on the couch rolling a J; clumsily a drunk blonde stumbles over to him and plops her ass down right in my seat. She runs her hands through Colson's golden locks and giggles, my body fills with rage that she had the audacity to even touch my man. Drunk Leslie never was a fighter up until this point; I recognized the blonde as Winifred Barnes the sluttiest girl in the county.

Without any warning my blood boiled and before I could control myself I was dragging Winifred by her golden tresses through my home and out the front door. She screamed at the top of her lungs "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" and fueled by drunk stupidity I walked out of the house and grabbed her by the throat. As I spoke the words from my mouth sounded primal and guttural as if my body was being taken over by a demon. I didn't yell and I didn't scream.

Calmly with my hand clenching down on her throat I pointed at Colson and said "do you see him?" Winifred shook her head yes quickly "that is mine, and no one else lays a hand on him besides me; do you understand?" again nodding yes tears began to form in her eyes from fear "you will do good to remember that, and if I catch you anywhere near my home or my man again, I won't be so kind as to give you a warning." I released my grip on her neck and she drunkenly stumbled down the driveway.

I felt those familiar tattooed arms wrap around my waist as I felt the rage leave my body. I felt his body shaking against mine chuckling as the other people at the party started at me in awe. In case there was any doubt of mine and Colson's loyalty to each other it was flushed down the drain with my little scene. I knew this was it, what I wanted for the rest of my life. Casie, Colson and myself as a family, The Baker's until the world came to an end. No doubts, no fears, no concerns; just us against the world.


Seeing her get mad over some slut having her hands on me was the sexiest thing I have ever seen, I love how her southern accent gets more prominent when she is mad, I remember that being directed at me once, that seems like a lifetime ago now. I already knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Leslie, I was prepared for that. While I was out on my "errands" I took a trip by her childhood home to speak with her family. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was scared shitless but I knew that I needed to do this as a sign of respect.

I could see the hesitation in her mother's eyes from the events that occured while Leslie and I were apart. I laid out all my feelings for their daughter and told them that I loved her more than I loved anyone else on this planet besides my daughter, I mentioned how much Casie loved her and how she treated Case like her own child even though she didn't have to. As I expressed all my feelings to the Drake's about their daughter tears began to well in my eyes from the passion I had.

After my confession, Mr Drake stood and I followed suite, in my mind he was going to tell me that I wasn't good enough for his daughter and I completely agreed, she was too good for me. He held out his hand and I reached out shaking his hand as he said "welcome to the family son, I couldn't imagine my little girl marrying a more perfect person for her." Pulling me in from the handshake into a warm embrace made me feel like I was officially part of the family. I had found love in a family outside of my EST crew and a father that called me son proudly. I quickly called Ashleigh making sure she didn't tell anyone else cause Slim and Rook can't keep secrets for shit. I needed the most beautiful ring for the most beautiful girl.


We had been back in my hometown for a month now, and I can proudly say that we had no more run ins with the law, and that when the boys said they were going to play golf; they actually meant that they were playing golf. Of course they were smoking while they were playing but hey, you choose the battles and if them smoking on the golf course kept them from being rowdy and ending up in jail then I would take it.

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