Chapter 13

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DISCLAIMER!!!! This chapter contains themes of self harm! If you are triggered by these themes please skip to the next chapter!! 


It has been months since he left me here in this town where he found me, I couldn't eat, sleep, or even go to work without thinking about him. I loved him more than anything in this world, I kept up with his accounts I saw that he was hanging out with Chantel again and my heart broke even more. I couldn't take the pain anymore, I was keeping my dealer bought out of blow and I bought a fresh pack of razor blades. Each time I would take the razor a little deeper while taunting death but wishing for the will to live. Sitting in the bathtub with blood red water from the small cuts on my arms I heard my phone ding.

C: Listen it's been a crazy past couple of months, I still love you with all my heart and I am sorry. I am sorry that this message took so long to write but I am sorry for the things I said when I left. I promised to make this life a heaven on earth and I failed you just like Barry did. I love you Les, please come back to me


His message was a trigger, sending a jolt of emotional pain through my body. As my heart began to ache at the words on the screen my hand involuntarily reacted, searing physical pain shot through my body as the blade dug deeper into my flesh. Nothing else mattered there was no emotional pain all I could feel was physical. The water became an even darker shade of red as my eyes slowly began to close, the welcoming darkness of death was waiting for me. Just as the darkness began to consume me I heard Nessa's voice yelling "OH MY GOD LESLIE!!!"

I woke up in the hospital and the first face I saw was fucking Machine Gun Kelly, I looked around and said "well I have died and went to hell because before me stands Satan himself." My eyes were cold as I looked at him, his eyes were back to that icy blue that they were when we first met. Hurt washed across his face as he began to speak "Les, I came as so as-" I interrupted him quickly "why don't you just leave me be and go back to Chantel and your life in California, I was stupid to think that this would work between us." "Babe Chantel is nothing-" screaming this time at the top of my lungs, "I SAID TO GET OUT COLSON!!"

Tears formed in his eyes as he walked out the door, silent tears ran down my face as I laid back in my hospital bed. I looked at the bandages remembering the time Colson cared enough to take care of me in my vulnerable state. People came and went, most of the day seeing if I was okay and if I needed anything but right now what I wanted more than anything was space. I was laying in my hospital bed, it was late and I was just about asleep. Colson walked into my room holding an arm full of assorted flowers, tears ran down my face as he began to sing, damn it he knew that I could never resist his voice. 

"What do you see when you look at me? Don't cover my scars, let them bleed Tell me, is this how it's supposed to be? Well then, I'm so, I'm so happy"

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"What do you see when you look at me? Don't cover my scars, let them bleed Tell me, is this how it's supposed to be? Well then, I'm so, I'm so happy"


I finished my song and laid the flowers at the foot of her bed. I started to walk out when I heard her tear filled voice whisper "don't go, please stay." I looked at Leslie with tears in my eyes and said "I would love to stay princess but seeing you like this is just too hard, knowing that I caused this breaks me more than you will ever know." Sobbing she said "then why did you bother coming back at all Colson?! This hurts me way worse than you just not being here at all, how about you just go back to LA and forget my name and that you ever met me!" She spat her words like venom at me and as she said them my heart ripped into a million pieces. I silently walked from her hospital room as she sobbed, when I made it to the sidewalk I broke down, tears drained from my eyes like waterfalls. It was clear that she never wanted to see me again, I drove to the airport and continued to cry as I boarded the next flight back to LA.

Six hours later I was walking through the door of my Los Angeles mansion and I heard Casie in the living room watching TV with Ash and Slim. They all looked at me as I came in grabbed a blunt and fired it up, "dad are you okay?" Casie asked with concern in her eyes. "Yeah baby girl I am fine, just a long flight" she asked me if I was able to see Leslie and if she was okay from her accident, we all agreed to keep the truth from her until she was older and could understand the effects of mental health and suicide. I began to cry again as I told them all about the events at the hospital and that she never wanted to see me again. I hugged Casie and headed upstairs to lay down, the bed was lonely without Leslie in it and it only increased my sadness. I typed out an update on my social media hoping that she would see it, but I wasn't counting on it. 

@machinegunkelly: "She is both hellfire and holy water and the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her" @lesbbyXX I am truly sorry for everything, you know where to find me when you need me 


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