Chapter 15

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I watched as she bounced off to her room to get ready for the evening, I was kind of sad that she insisted on sleeping in a separate bedroom while she was here; I was really hoping that she would sleep with me so I could hold her in my arms. A few hours later it was almost time to head out, I couldn't wait for Les to meet Dub; I had talked to him about her more than she knew. Soon it was time for us to leave so we could make it to the restaurant on time, Ashleigh went to Leslie's room and knocked on the door "Les it's time for us to leave, are you ready yet?" her sweet voice radiated as she said "yeah I am ready, I will be out in just a minute." Squeaking I heard the bedroom door open, I glanced down the hallway and I saw the most beautiful sight.

Leslie was stunning in an elegant black dress with lace cutouts around the neck and waist. Paired with her favorite YSL clutch that Rook had bought for her and a pair of white lace red bottoms. Her raven hair was fixed in loose curls, and her sapphire eyes glowed as she walked towards me. She was so beautiful and how I broke her heart made me cringe, why did I always feel that need to self sabotage? She reached me and looked up from under those long jet black lashes "how do I look?" I inhaled her perfect scent as I said "beautiful as always Les, but you're missing something" she looked at me confused and I held out my clenched fist.

Holding out her hand hesitantly, I told her to close her eyes. When her eyes were shut I opened my hand. She felt the weight hit her hand and she opened her eyes. There in her hand was the machine gun necklace that I had made for her when we were in Bora Bora. Tears popped up in her eyes, "oh, Colson we aren't back together yet I can't possibly wear this" I sighed "Leslie, I know I messed up I said things that I can't take back but I do love you more than anything besides Case, please even if we aren't back together wear it and promise that you will keep an open mind about us" She rolled her eyes in a joking way "fine, help me put it on." She smiled as she felt the weight around her neck offering a familiar comfort.

" She smiled as she felt the weight around her neck offering a familiar comfort

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As the familiar weight draped around my neck I had an instant feeling of relief and safety, I knew that I could never be away from this man again, he meant the world to me and no amount of distance between us or mistakes made could keep me from him. I turned around looking Colson in his icy blue eyes, wrapping my arms around his waist as a smile formed on my lips. Even in heels I had to extend myself on to my tiptoes to reach his lips, he tasted just the same; like weed smoke and scotch and it was the most intoxicating concoction. He grabbed my hips and deepened our kiss, as if he never wanted our lips to part again. I smiled against the pressure of our kiss as I heard the front door swing open with a loud bang. Brought back to reality as we jerked away from each other and our kiss, the devil himself made his appearance.

Barry walked around the corner pointing a gun directly at Colson, hate and rage filled his eyes as he saw Colson's hand lingering on my waist. Before I could speak Barry was screaming "GET YOUR GODDAMN HANDS OFF OF MY WOMAN!!!", I was in shock; I couldn't move if I wanted to. I took a shallow breath and tried my best to calm him down "Barry, babe you need to calm down; please put the gun away because you are scaring me." He glared at me with his psychotic eyes and pointed the gun at me "fuck you, you cheating whore I will deal with you and your infidelities after I kill your boy toy here while you watch."

My breathing hitched as I did my best to hold back my tears, everyone else was already gone, heading to the restaurant to meet up with Dub; no one would realize we were in danger until it was too late. Barry continued to scream, ranting on like the lunatic he is about how I was nothing but a whore and that he would teach me a lesson in respecting him. All of a sudden I heard a loud bang, screaming I turned to make sure that Colson was okay thinking that he had been shot by Barry. As tears welled up in my eyes I realized that Colson was still standing upright, I looked back over to see Barry slumped down on the floor with blood pooling around him. I looked up again and saw the figure standing behind Barry with the smoking gun. 


My life flashed before my eyes when I heard the gunshot, I initially thought that I had been hit, Barry had been threatening to kill me since he waltzed into my house after all. When the shock wore off I realized that Barry was sinking slouched down on the floor and blood was running like a red river through my hallway. I looked up and behind him was a tall figure, coming into the light I realized that I had never seen this man, I looked over at Leslie and the look of recognition spread across her face. She ran to him, slinging her arms around his neck. "Chuck how did you know that Barry was here?" he laughed and released her from his grip "the double x mob came to your rescue, there were several fans that contacted us saying they had spotted him in the California area after you came out here when you were released from the hospital. They said they were concerned that he was stalking Colson's house."

I watched as tears welled in Leslie's eyes as Chuck continued to speak "I quickly made arrangements with the LA sheriff's office and grabbed the soonest flight I could, I have been keeping tabs on you both for several days now and when I saw Barry enter the house armed I knew that I needed to make my move. I have already contacted the LA county sheriff's office and informed them of the situation, they will want to talk to you both but Leslie-" Chuck looked at her with the love a father has for his daughter "you will no longer have to live your life in fear of him, it's over for good this time." Leslie snaked her arms around Chuck's neck once again and sobbed happy tears that her nightmares were finally over.

I called the crew and told them what was going on, I apologized to Dub for ruining his special evening but he understood the severity of the situation. The next morning we woke up with news headlines plastered all over the internet and TV screen "shooting at Hollywood bad boy Machine Gun Kelly's LA home, sources reveal Kells' new fling brought more than her good looks to Hollywood when she came for an extended visit. Her abusive ex lover Barry Monroe reportedly followed her to the rockstar's home and then threatened to kill them both; before Monroe could successfully commit to his threats he was brought down by a family friend who had been put on a protective detail for Ms Drake." The media was having a frenzy with this story, and every time we stepped out of the house there were cameras in our faces.

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