Chapter 3

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HOLY SHIT! I wanted to stay away from Laughlin Nevada as I possibly could for reasons that I was nowhere near ready to tell Colson. I didn't want to turn down the invitation so I reluctantly agreed to go. I swear I must be dreaming, there is no way that this could be happening. I left the beer store in such a hurry going to pack my bags, I didn't think twice about it; I was going and there wasn't anything holding me back. I knew that if the ghost of my past made an appearance that Colson and the crew would take care of me.
Not knowing what to pack I just packed a couple pairs of jeans, shirts, underwear, bras, and a couple nice dresses and heels just in case. I grabbed my house keys and phone charger on my way out the door, and just in case I grabbed my passport. To say I was excited was an understatement. I rushed to the car and hurled my small bag into the passenger seat, and sped off to the airport. There was a man in a stylish Armani suit holding a sign with my name on it. I walked up to him and said "hello; I am Leslie" he looked at me quizzically and stated "oh yes Mr Baker is waiting patiently for you to arrive ma'am". I didn't have to buy a ticket or go through the baggage claim, I could get used to this life. A shuttle took me out onto the tarmac and there in front of me was Colson standing at the top of the staircase of a private jet.

She radiated beauty as she walked towards me. Dressed for the flight and not for style I had never seen anything so gorgeous and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her. Even through her stunning beauty I could see that her eyes were more troubled than normal. I stepped forward to greet her with a hug, as my arms went around her I could feel her body tense. I immediately released her from my embrace and apologized if it was unwelcomed. "It was very welcome" she stated but there was something more she wasn't telling me. I wasn't going to press the issue until she felt comfortable, after all the flight to Laughlin was going to be about ten hours and we would have ample time to get to know each other.
Seated next to me was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on but mentally she was so far away she might have well been on mars. I grabbed her hand and she was jolted back to this world. I spoke softly to her "I can see that you have something on your mind; I know that we just met but I also want you to feel comfortable to tell me things, that being said you don't have to tell me now but when you are ready you can tell me what is on your mind". She sighed a breath of relief as she sunk comfortably into the seat next to me and breathed a quiet reply, "thank you Colson for being so sweet, I promise when I am ready I will tell you what's going on. I'm just still in shock that 12 hours ago I was a nobody from a small southern town. Now look, I am on a private jet with Machine Gun Kelly getting whisked away to one of your shows; is this even real life"?

Her enthusiasm was refreshing, I had been on so many private flights that I had forgotten how to appreciate them. This flight was even more special because I had this astounding woman with me, I couldn't wait to show her around Nevada. Our flight landed and as we made our descent down the staircase to the car Leslie's fingers intertwined with mine, I looked down into her eyes and gave her a welcoming smile. While we waited for our luggage to be loaded into the trunk of the car she spoke in a hushed tone "thank you for getting me out of that town, small town living is lovely; until everyone knows your business". Her brow furrowed and I could tell that she was fighting to hold back tears, "Leslie, do you want to tell me what is bothering you"?

Leslie    How was I going to tell him? There were so many things in my life that I just wanted to keep a secret but looking into his eyes I felt like I was safe for the first time in a very long time

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How was I going to tell him? There were so many things in my life that I just wanted to keep a secret but looking into his eyes I felt like I was safe for the first time in a very long time. I opened my mouth to tell the story and just when the words were going to flow like a waterfall; the driver opened the door and slid into his seat.We made our way around the city and it was just as beautiful as I had imagined. I always dreamed of leaving my small town behind but I never made it happen and now I felt stuck.
Hand in hand Colson escorted me through the doors of the finest hotel I had ever seen and to say I was amazed was an understatement. I was in shock as people came up to him and asked for pictures because I had forgotten that I was actually out with a worldwide superstar. As people kept approaching us he never let my hand leave his grasp and I could tell I was the enemy of every woman who walked up. After the impromptu meet and greet in the hotel lobby Colson's manager Ashleigh walked up to us and handed us our keys. Noticing that I had a room to myself made me realize that despite his rough edges and playboy demeanor, Colson was in fact a gentleman and honestly, I was impressed.
We parted ways at our doors even though the rooms were side by side I felt so far away from him. I hadn't felt these emotions for so long and it was actually nice to miss him. So desperately longing to take a shower and rinse the tension from such a long flight away, I grabbed a couple of towels and my toiletries and started running some scalding hot water. I pulled my oversized shirt over my head and as I was getting ready to slip my pants off I heard my phone ding. It was a message from the one person I never wanted to hear from again, my abusive ex Barry.

B: Hey there lover, I heard from some friends that you were seen boarding a flight with MGK, you knew that I would come back for you. Hope you missed me 😘

Refusing to answer him I took my shower and let the hot water cascade off my body. When I was done letting the water caress my body, wishing it was Colson I stepped from the shower, grabbed a towel for my body and hair and then checked my phone again. My mouth dropped in horror as I saw the messages Barry had sent

B: You can't ignore me, you're my woman
B: I will find you Les

I put my white shorts on and forgetting a bra I flung a crop top over my head and bolted from the room; I was going to have to tell Colson the truth sooner than I wanted to

I put my white shorts on and forgetting a bra I flung a crop top over my head and bolted from the room; I was going to have to tell Colson the truth sooner than I wanted to

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