Plate 64

661 21 0

W: Do you really have to go?
B: Yes
W: Why? what's with her? I havent met her but I hate her already
B: Whee dont be like that, I just want to see her, we havent met for so long
W: Do you like her
B: I will be lying if I say I dont, but I dont know, last time we saw each other she has some guy
W: Oh my god unnie! are there no other girls around? If you pursue Dahee unnie I wouldnt object
B: Dahee is just a friend Whee, I dont fantasize on being with someone like her, she's different, and I cant risk it with Dahee
W: I didnt know that thats what you feel about her. I thought you like her
B: Yes I like her, but just someone I admire, besides her world is different from mine
W: Okay but I have to meet this Solar that you are talking about. Cant believe we've been friends for so long and I just heard about her now
B: Yes Whee I will
W: Take care on your way tomorrow, message me if you need me
B: Okay pup.

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