Plate 87

661 19 0

Im developing this feeling for Yongsun, after a month since we met, even though we are distant with each other, my feelings for her grow each day. Since my birthday is coming up I asked Yongsun if she can visit me in Daegu which she is more than willing to agree to. I'm thinking a lot about it, I think this is the right time to tell her my feelings, in front of her... with her. She arrived late in the evening, we went straight at my house and since I'm living alone I ushered her in my bedroom. "Wow! your room is so big, do you have other rooms?" she asked "Unfortunately this is the only room in the house, I bought this after I sold the family house and since I'm alone I dont think I need another room right?" "Hmmm... make sense" "You're okay with this right?" she looks at me questioningly "Of course! Why wouldnt I be?" I chuckled and look at her teasingly "You're so used to us sleeping together right?" as I raise my eyebrows, she hit me at my arm which is quite painful "Pervert!" then we laughed heartily together.

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