Plate 146

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When I went back home we managed to do that, she sends me pictures of her files and I willingly type it away. I want Yongsun to feel that I can be there for her, even if I'm far from her I can still help her in her everyday life. She also asks me to check her grammar when she needs to post something in English on her social media since her international friends are going to see it. One time I trolled her that she has a lot of things for me to do and she doesn't even pay me, even for the bunnies. "Please can you check it for me?" she begged me but I'm too lazy to do it "It's ok you can post it" "You didn't even read it, I know the grammar is wrong!" I sneered at her through the video call  "But I'm lazy to do it!" she looked at me through the camera

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