Plate 138

534 10 2

We went out to have a good time and the two other girls went to do some errands for Mrs. Kim, so I dropped them to their stop and looked at them for a while. The two girls walked side by side, then Sunmi just put her hand at the lower backside of Yonghee as if guiding her where to go. Because I kind of see myself in her, I burst out something to Yongsun, "Bunny! Are they together?" Yongsun looked at me confused and shrug her shoulders "I don't know" "Well why would you go to Busan every week from Seoul which by the way is not that near just to see a friend?" "I don't know" I laughed at Yongsun's innocence "I do that every week Bunny" she realized the same pattern of Yonghee and Sunmi in us "Oh~~~" "I think they're together" "Oh well, we can't do anything about that" "Yeah, good luck with your parents" then we both laugh thinking there's no straight one in their family other than their parents.

DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora