Plate 109

604 13 0

Yongsun's classes are done and its officially vacation time, I picked her up at the train station and ask her if she wants to have dinner with me and my friends, since she will be seeing them a lot while she's here. She agreed and then we went straight to the house to rest and freshen up. I bought a lot of groceries and toiletries for Yongsun since she'll be here for a month, I also made sure that the house is clean and livable. When we arrived Yongsun looked around
"Its different from before, did you do something?"
"Well I change it a bit you know since you're staying here" Yong smiled
"You dont have to do anything, you've seen my room"
"Right" and we both laughed knowing how chaotic it is
"Come on lets go and wash up, I'm going to inform my friends where we'll meet"
"Ok" she said nonchalantly

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