Plate 118

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"Where's my gift?" "Why would you think that you have one?" I teased "Eung- ah-" she made that sound when she's whining, I was laughing so hard because I want to tease her for being so childish. "Come on let's go to your bedroom" we left her family and made way to her room where I carry my things. "Ok sit down and close your eyes" she did what I told her and I rummaged through my things to get that small box for her "Ok, open your eyes now" when she did she smiled so wide with a sparkle in her eyes and held out her hand, "What's this?" "Open it!" then she opens the box and it revealed so many trinkets and messages and small games and pictures that I made with my hands. She is so happy and checking out every part of the box that contains our photo, a maze where her face is the moving photo and at the end of the maze is a picture of my face waiting for her. She really enjoyed my gift for her that even though we are sleeping the box is on her side, I've never been so proud of myself.

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