Plate 145

529 11 0

I managed to get the bunnies done and Yongsun is so happy that she is willing to gift those bunnies to her students, I'm thankful for her because she pushed me to learn something new. Every time I go to Busan I end up helping her with bizarre things that I normally wouldn't do. "Byul, I'm so tired" she whined while looking at the laptop  "Why?" "I have a lot to type, it will take me a whole a day just to finish this one page" I felt bad for her because with one normal functioning hand it will be a hard work "Come on, give it to me, so I just have to copy that?" she smiled and walked over to me "Yes, can you type fast?" "As far as I know yes, I think these 3 pages can be typed around 15 minutes max" she wowed "Really?! Wow, you're good" I smirked at her "You know if you want help from me like typing and I'm at home, you can just take a clear photo of your files and send it to me over katalk and I'll type it for you" she has a shocked look on her face after I said that "Really!? We can do that?" "Mhmmm" I nodded  "Thank you, thank you!" she said and then kissed me all over my face and hugged me. It may be a little help but to her its a lot.

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