Plate 162

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'Wait a minute... what are we talking about' I was engrossed in answering their question that I didn't bother looking up and been staring at the floor this whole time. Aren't they supposed to be throwing me out by now? So I looked up and saw Yongsun, Ravi, and Yonghee smiling as if they are gonna laugh at any moment. I look at Mr. Kim and he was watching the TV then I looked at Mrs. Kim she's frowning but not angry, I was getting confused by the situation.

"What is happening?" I asked the three kids who are laughing now, Yongsun was on the floor, Ravi and Yonghee were holding their tummies since they can't breathe anymore. Mrs. Kim stands up and gave me a tight hug, I was so confused that I just hugged her back.

"Welcome to the family again," Mrs. Kim said while she's holding me by the shoulders, smiling like its a normal thing

"Arent we having dinner yet? I'm starving!" Mr. Kim said from the couch

"Come on, let's eat, dinner's ready" Mrs. Kim declared, the younger kids and Mr. Kim stood up and went to the kitchen, Mr. Kim tap me on my shoulder before he continued walking, all that was left in the living room is me and Yongsun

"Sorry, I had to act, my mom is angry earlier that she wanted to scold you for lying to them" I was still in shock

"Are they ok about the two of us?"

"Well actually they can feel that there is something going on between us, they aren't that dumb as what they say and they weren't born yesterday, so basically they knew" I was relieved at that bit of information

"Ravi was angry about Kisum because he likes you and he already feels like you're his official sister" well I have to give something for Ravi after this, I smiled at Yongsun

"Come on, dinner is waiting," she said and went to the dining table hand in hand


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