Plate 74

676 21 0

We're both having fun so i suggest to go to starbucks and have some coffee. The weather is too cold, I'm glad that we both wore 3 layers of jacket so we dont have to freeze. We ordered some coffee and took a lot of pictures, i told her to pose for me, so I could remember her outfit. She is kinda reluctant because she feels like I'm making fun of her.

B: Yongsun, you have to agree that its only you who can pull this off. For me personally its kind of corny but when you wear it, it just works
Y: I dont know if I want to believe you after everything you said!
B: Oh come on Yong, just one more and then the two of us
Y: Ok fine!

So we took some more...

B: Yong, have you been to the beach during a storm?
Y: Of course not!
B: Do you wanna go?
Y: Can you give me a valid reason on why should I agree to this?
B: I havent seen a beach during stormy weather, it will be a first for me and you, at least we have a ridiculous memory of us meeting again after 7 years and going there in this weather
Y: Ok im game

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