Plate 126

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Hwasa's eyebrow raised "Are you sure the two of you are ok?" suddenly Yongsun sent me another family picture, everyone was smiling and holding chocolates "Of course! look she even sent me their picture to make me feel jealous, awww..." Wheein almost spit out her shot as I cooed "Can we not talk about it anymore it's getting me goosebumps, but really unnie its been three years" I close my phone and sneered at her "Can't you just wait, Yongsun loves me and she already told me that she'll confess just give it time" after that the girls both agreed to what I said and went on drinking. They end up sleeping at my house and the two of them was sleeping on the made-up bed that laid on the floor inside my room, both of the girls look cute cuddling together.

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