Plate 159

520 13 0

Wheein was still sleeping when I woke up, it was already ten in the morning so I had a shower, I left Wheein a note before I went out. I got out of the hotel and walk along the street, I saw a jewelry shop and decided to walk in. I was greeted by the man in charge "Anything you're looking for Miss?" I scan the place and the ring section caught my eyes "Can I look at those rings?" "Yes Miss, go ahead" he guided me and I looked into the display. I was decided to propose to Yongsun but the circumstances are making it hard for me to move forward. If it was up to me I would have proposed to her three years ago and if you ask me now I still want to marry the girl. I look around and saw a diamond-encrusted ring with sun design and a moon hugging on the side, it was a coincidence that something like that would catch my eyes "Can I see that" I pointed at the ring "Ah, this is a new arrival, its a two-part ring but you can still give it as it is or you can also share it as a couple, depends on what you prefer" I smiled looking at the ring, it's like they are always together just like what I promise myself for Yongsun by being by her side. I hold it and examine it carefully, I turn to look at the jeweler "I'll take it".

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