Plate 141

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"You're not going home yet?" she asked me when we woke up "Not yet, I don't have anything to do at the office for a while so I'm staying today" she smiled and loved the idea  "Do you want to observe in my class?" that perked my ears up "Can I?" "Of course! That's why I'm asking you" "Hahaha, how stupid of me" "You're the one who said that not me" "Ok, ok, fine" I said rolling my eyes. We prepared to go to school and I noticed that Yongsun put a lot of layers on her clothes "Why so many clothes?" "So that it will stop the kids' energy to get to me, the more fabric the better" "Oh so that's why you wear aprons while teaching when I look in your photos" "Yes" she smiled at me. I love that smile it's so bright, no wonder her students like her so much "Come on, mom's waiting" So we went out and I brought Mrs. Kim and Yongsun to school. Mrs. Kim is the school administrator at Yongsun's school although she is employed there much longer, Mrs. Kim's credentials is basically what they need to run the school since her daughter is one of the founders they considered her to be the administrator. It's kind of complicated on Yongsun's side but Mrs. Kim doesn't meddle on her affairs since she doesn't want to be bias base on her decisions.

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