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That night Wheein, Hwasa and I got together for some drinks, we went to a bar near my house so that we can easily go home when any of us get drunk. Hwasa is so happy to see us again after her busy schedules and Wheein is glad to see Hwasa after a long time, we sat at the corner of the bar and ordered my usual beer and the other two girls were sharing a soju, "Why do I get the feeling that we should've gone to a bbq house rather than here if you two are getting soju" the two girls laugh "We like it hard unnie" Wheein said after she took a shot "So unnie, I heard from Wheein that you and Yongsun haven't come out yet to her parents" now I know why Hwasa is here, "I'm giving her time, besides we're happy, she's not like Krystal that doesn't want me to meet her parents"

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