Chapter 2 - Replica

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7 weeks earlier

"Officer Bane, we have a 10-31 in progress at First Cash Jewelry and Loan on 1726 Wisconsin Ave. The perpetrator is believed to be carrying a weapon. Proceed with caution."

Magnus rapidly grabbed the radio.

"10-4 on that. Officer Bane and Forrester are on the way"

"Hell yeah!"

Magnus grinned at his partners outburst, before putting the car in motion.

"Finally, some action!"

Cameron tugged the seatbelt back on, as soon as Magnus hit traffic.

"This is so much better than just sitting around eating donuts, don't you think Cami?"

"It's what we live for!"

Cameron howled into the air making Magnus grin loudly.

"Yeah baby, you've got that right! It's been too goddamn long since we've gotten a real case!"

"Well Magnus, if you hadn't screwed the captain, and then dumped her for my brother, we wouldn't be in this position."

"Oh shut up. And I didn't dump her for Ryan, I just dumped her, and then started screwing Ryan. No connection."

"Right. No connections at all. Especially not the blond hair, blue eyes combo, right?"

Magnus glared at his partner. Typically, of him to start making connections where there were none. Not a lot, anyway.

"Don't look at me like that Magnus. You like people with blond hair and blue eyes. No matter if it's male or female right? You know I'm right. It is totally your type!"

Magnus grinned and playfully wiggled his eyebrows at his partner.

"Sure buddy, you are so right. Those blue eyes really does it for me."

Magnus winked at his partner, as realization of his words seeped into his mind.

"Wait! Hold on! Don't flirt with me too! I'm seriously changing my hair color and getting colored contacts"

"You go ahead and do that Cami."

Magnus couldn't help but laugh, even though his partner was kind of right. He usually did have a type, not that he only went after blonds, but they often intrigued him. Both male and female. That was one of the perks of being bisexual. Being able to get the best from both worlds.

Cameron was extremely great about it too. Not only did he except his sexual orientation without hesitation, he hadn't even bitched about the fact that he had been fucking his younger brother. Even though sex was all there was to it. Magnus didn't do boyfriends or girlfriends. He only had partners. Fuckbuddies. That was the only thing that worked for him.

And for Ryan, he really didn't have a choice in the matter when he met him. There was such a sweet innocence to him. He was endearing. And then he turned around and took Magnus completely by surprise. One night, at Camerons birthday party, Ryan had cornered him and kissed him without any hesitation. Revealing the sexual beast within. Magnus was powerless against that combination of sweet and wild. The fact that he was cute to look at too only made it better.

Arriving at the address, Magnus could tell that it seemed like the owner of the pawnshop had everything under control. The guy, who probably was the perpetrator, was kneeling in front of the disk, with the owner's hand firmly grabbing the back of his neck.

"Damnit. It seems like all the fun is over."

Magnus and Cameron stepped out of the car.

"Excuse me sir, did you call in a robbery?"

"No, I called in an idiot who tried to sell fake jewelry. And then I mentioned I had seen a gun in his belt."

"Oh. Fake jewelry. That again."

"Damn it, Magnus. It's like the hundredth time someone tries to sell a fake piece of the old unsolved jewelry robbery. Its freaking exhausting!"

"Do you wanna bet that Captain Montgomery knew that, when she assigned us this case?"

Cameron groaned and defeatedly threw his hands in the air.

"How the hell are either of us ever going to make it to detective, if she keeps giving as crap assignments!"

"Easy now, Cam. It doesn't help getting agitated."

Cameron turned around and pointed agitated at Magnus that was cuffing the perp.

"You! You just had to screw the captain, didn't you?"

"Don't go there Cami. You know it ends up with you on the floor. Bleeding."

The anger slowly sizzled out of him.

"Fine... But you are doing the paperwork on this one!"

Cameron marched out of the shop.

"Well, then I guess I'm filling out the paperwork..."

Magnus thanked the owner for his assistance and placed the man in the back of the squad car.

As soon as Magnus got into the car, he turned towards his partner.

"Cam... Are you really pissed at me? I know I screwed up, and if you are pissed, we need to talk about this, man. You are too important to me."

"Nah. I'm not that pissed. Just annoyed. She's one evil bitch sometimes."

"I hear you, man. I hear you."

Driving back to the precinct Magnus couldn't help but think about all those fake replicas of the jewelry that was still missing from the robbery three years ago. He and Cameron had been the cops assigned to the case, and it bothered him that it still was unsolved, and the fact that replicas kept shoving up. Was it the original gang that kept making replicas? Magnus felt an eager to solve the old case, even though it had been closed for years.

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