Chapter 23 - Right choice

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3 days later

"Finally..." Alec signed the release form as soon as the doctor gave it too him. He had been bored out of his mind in the hospital, but they had insisted he stayed, when he didn't have any relatives that could monitor him after the surgery.

Alec had found it completely ridicules since it was just minor surgery. They were just removing the bullet. No big deal... although it did hurt like hell to get shot, but that was not something he would ever admit out loud.

He had actually thought he would have been sent to the infirmary at the prison, but two days ago a couple of cops showed up and informed him that he had been pardon. Now he just had to figure out what he wanted out of life. Although he kind of knew who he wanted in his life.

With a crocket smile, Alec decided he would go pay Magnus a visit. Afterall, he had been by to see him every day since he was shot. And he usually stayed for hours. Talking. Reading the news. Having crappy hospital dinner. It had been nice.


Without knocking, Alec let himself into the house. It almost felt like a home by now. He could hear the TV going and decided to head in that direction. When he saw Magnus sitting on the couch with his feet on the table, he took a moment to just appreciate the man. He had been fighting his feelings for so long, but it had become as clear as day when he had to choose between Morgan and Magnus. He loved him. He didn't know exactly what that would mean to him, because he didn't feel like he was gay or bisexual. He had never been attracted to a man before. But he was pretty convinced that he was a little bit gay for Magnus.

My father would kill me!

Luckily, he had no connection to any of his family anymore. He had run away after Izzy was killed. He had run to Morgan. Nearly ruined his life because of her. And all because he had never dealt with the loss of his sister.

But that would never happen again. he would turn his life around. Starting with what kind of people he surrounded himself with.

"are you the one that made my criminal record go away?"

Magnus nearly jumped through the roof from surprise.

"Jesus fucking Christ you scared me!"

Placing his palm across his heart he tried to calm down.

"sorry." Alec chuckled and didn't seem sorry at all.

"yeah, I can just tell you are heartbroken... Jerk..."

Alec laughed at Magnus' words. He loved bickering with him.

"You didn't answer..."

Magnus gestured towards the TV. The news was on. The new President appeared on screen. Magnus' Brother.

"Actually, he was the one that did that. But he did ask me for my opinion."

"Wow..." Alec sat down next to Magnus. "your brother is President. And I know him. That's kind of cool!"

Magnus groaned and turned off the TV.

"Yeah right. There's no living with him now..."

"Then thankfully you don't live with him." Alec smiled.

"You know what I mean. He's already the golden boy in the family."

"so?" Alec turned towards Magnus. "That doesn't mean that you are not worth just as much. He wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

With slight hesitation, Alec reached out and took Magnus' hand in his own.

"He owes you everything. And I think he knows it. I saw how he looks at you. You are his big brother. He admires you."

Magnus tried to swallow around the lump in his throat.

"Thanks... It means a lot to me..."

With a sly smile Magnus looked at their hands. Then looked back up at Alec.

"Is there a particular reason as to why you are holding my hand?"

Alec shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to avoid Magnus' gaze. This was so much harder than he had expected it to be.

You can do it.

Izzy's reinsuring voice in his head, pushed him over the hump.

"I like you..."

Alec blurted out. Quickly taking in a deep breath to continue.

"And my sister once told me I should find someone I liked. Loved... and that would help me make the right decisions... and I think that someone... is you."

"you like me?"

Alec rolled his eyes.

"yes, I just said that... jeez you are so annoying. Here I am trying to actually put words on my feelings, something I suck at by the way and you just..."

The words were muffled when Magnus placed his lips over Alec's. Kissing him tenderly. Taking his breath away.

When Magnus broke the kiss and moved away, Alec could hardly speak.

"I guess you like me back..."

"You guess correctly." Magnus kissed him once more. Giving Alec time to adjust and explore. The sensation of kissing someone he was in love with for real gave Alec a lot more courage. He pulled Magnus closer and deepened the kiss.

When they finally pulled apart, they were both out of breath.

Panting, Magnus looked at Alec.

"Was that why you came by? To tell me you like me?"

"No actually..." Alec smiled at Magnus "I was still curious about that damn closet..."

Magnus threw his head back laughing.

"Alright then. Let me show you."

Magnus stood up and offered Alec his hand. Without hesitation he took it and intertwined their fingers. Butterflies going wild in his stomach.

Magnus let him into the bedroom and opened the closet, letting Alec look inside.

"holy shit! What the hell is all this? I mean, some things I recognize... but like that. What the hell is that?"

Alec pointed at an object inside the closet.

"if you want, I can show you."

Magnus winked at Alec as a deep red blush began covering Alec's cheeks.

"Maybe we should work our way up to that..."

Magnus chuckled.

"Maybe we should."

With those words, Magnus gently pushed Alec down on the bed and kissed him with all the passion that coursed through his veins.

Hi guys

This was the last Chapter of Criminal madness, although there might be a couple of bonus chapters, if I decided to release them. These are chapters that was deleted because I wanted to keep this book a little cleaner than I normally do. (that's a nice way to say Smutfree.)

Thank you for all you support. I am really blessed to have readers like you. Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Yours truly

- Ayana

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