Chapter 3 - Survival

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7 weeks earlier

"Chowtime! Open the doors!"

Alec hated that voice. It haunted him in his sleep as well as when he was awake. It was always there. Every day. Reminding him of these fucked up circumstances he now lived under.

A loud buzz sounded along with the metallic noise of the iron bars sliding open throughout the entire block. Alec stepped just outside his cell, exactly as all of his fellow inmates.

"Turn right! Eyes straight ahead. Walk in line to the end of the hall."

God, that voice drove him insane. Always the same words. Just as it had been for two fucking years. His entire life was just repeating the same day over and over again. Wake up. Eat breakfast, don't get stabbed. Shower, don't get screwed. Eat lunch, don't get stabbed. Work in the laundry room, don't get stabbed. Eat dinner, don't get stabbed. Go back to the cell, and oh yeah, don't get stabbed!

Entering the cafeteria, Alec did as he always had done these past two years. He searched the room for any potential danger. Luckily for him, his crappy childhood had left him with skills he could use to survive prison. As long as there wasn't any newbie that got convinced to try something stupid. Witch sadly enough, happened more often than you would know.

Alec had made quite a name for himself in here. He had fought tooth and nail his first six months to survive. Especially in the shower. His fit body, pretty face and deep hazel eyes had quickly made him a target. But no way in hell, anyone was going to fuck him over. Literally.

His stubbornness had paid off and most of the inmates left him alone after he had sent a couple of them to the infirmary. Now mostly, they didn't bother him, except for when they put pressure on a newbie to try. They had made it into an initiation task. If they succeeded at cutting into Alec's skin, the gang, that had given the newbie the challenge, would take him under their wing. It had taken a while for him to figure it out, but in the end he had. And now, if the newbie seemed to be someone that wouldn't survive prison on his own, Alec would pretend to fight, but let the guy get in a cut. It was the best he could do for the little guys under the circumstances. He didn't have the power to protect anyone. He could barely protect himself. And more than anything, Alec refused to join one of the gangs in here. He knew what the price would be. And he preferred not to be someone's bitch.

Grabbing a tray, Alec followed the line towards the questionable looking food. Today he guessed it was oatmeal, but he couldn't really tell. The man behind the disk slapped a spoonful on his tray and Alec moved along.

While shooting glances around the room, he walked towards his favorite table. Far away from the gangs, but not too close to the food line either. Both could get you killed, if you looked at the wrong person.

"Lovely... today's meal seems to involve all the relevant food groups. Yummy."

Alec pushed the slop around the tray with his spoon.

"Sarcasm doesn't sit well with most people in here, you know?"

Alec looked up at the elderly man standing next to him. He was one of the guys that wasn't in a gang, but didn't get bothered by them either. He had been here longer than most. Never talked about what he was in for, though.

"Well, that's because most of the men in here are ignorant bullies, who wouldn't be able to read a book, and definitely not understand anything past 4th grade material."

Chuckling, the man put down his tray opposite Alec.

"I'm not disagreeing with you, but you should probably be cautious about who hears you speaking like that."

"Yeah, I know. But as far as I know, you are not one of them."

Alec pointed at the man with his spoon, before shoveling it into his mouth and gulping down the viscous food.

"Right you are again."

The man began eating too, though a bit slower than Alec. But then again, why wouldn't he? No one ever bothered him. He didn't have to hurry up eating before someone decided that you looked like the punching bag of the day.

Alec shoveled in the last of his food and got up.

"Well, nice talking to you, but I'm going to get my ass into the shower, before it gets too damn crowded."

"Seems like a good idea, with a body like yours."

Alec didn't like the way the man was ogling him when he stood up, so he hurried out of the cafeteria.

Alone in the shower, Alec couldn't help but let his mind wander. Back to the time he met the love of his life. Morgan. She was beautiful. Chocolate colored skin, deep brown eyes and a body anyone would kill for. He missed the showers he had shared with here. Conserving water. That was the excuse that had used to her brother... Her brother. The memory of him, wasn't quite as happy. That stupid fuck was the reason he was in here! Agitated, Alec began scrubbing his body with soap.

"Someone seems... eager..."

Alec stopped moving instantly. Damn it. He had been caught off guard.

"Don't get any closer, Samuel. I'm warning you."

Samuel backed up one step with his hands lifted in surrender in front of him.

"I'm not causing any trouble, pretty-boy. I'm just looking."

Samuel licked his lips while letting his eyes travel all the way down Alec's naked body.

"And damn boy, you sure have something to look at."

"Back the fuck off Samuel! I'm not warning you again!"

Alec planted his feet wide. Ready to fight like hell if it was necessary.

"Don't sweat it, boy. I'm going. I'm going..."

Glancing one last time at Alec's crotch, Samuel turned around and walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, Alec took in a deep breath and looked down at his trembling hands. Damn, it had been way to close this time.

No daydreaming jackass. Definitely not in the shower!

Alec quickly dried himself of and made his way down to the laundry room. Keeping his mind focused on the task of the day.

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