Chapter 8 - Release

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5 weeks earlier

"Oh Pretty boy... I'm coming for you..."

Alec dug himself deeper into his mattress, clutching his pillow over his head. Every night had been the same. As soon as the lights were out, Samuel started calling for him. It scared the living crap out of Alec. Samuel wasn't just going to kill him. He would threaten Alec into pleasuring him in numerous ways before finally killing him. Things Alec never intended on doing. Not in a million years! He would much rather die, than being another cons pleasure.

These last couple of weeks had been exhausting. He had to keep an eye on everything and constantly fight like hell to not get bend over. It was almost like every single con had noticed Samuel targeting him and then they started doing the same. It was like being the fish yet again. The newbie. He thought, he already had survived through the worst and had gained himself enough of a reputation for people to back off, but that clearly wasn't the case.

Every night like this, Alec mentally kicked his own ass for not taking the deal, the freaking cop had offered him. He had just been too greedy. He wanted out. He wanted to see Morgan again. The love of his life... Even though she hadn't even visited him once in jail. But then again, he hadn't expected her too. She was just as criminal as him. And when you lived a life like they had, prison was not something you went inside voluntarily.

"Pretty boy... Are you there? Can't wait to stuff my dick down your throat. You just wait and see. It'll happen very soon..."

Samuels voice echoed through the entire cellblock, causing the other inmates to howl out. Alec could feel the dampness around his eyes. He was so fucking scared. How was he going to get out of this with his life and dignity in behold?

"Rise and shine!"

The sound of the guard's footsteps outside his cell, made his insides churn. A new day. Another risk of getting fucked or killed. Maybe he should do something that would get him thrown onto solitary? At least he would be safe there, even though he might lose his mind.

"Chowtime! Doors opening!"

Alec dragged his feet outside his cell. He had barely slept at all. He didn't have much fight left in him. And the other inmates knew it. Heck, he had even overheard the guards collecting bets on who would get his ass first.

"Turn right! Eyes straight ahead. Walk in line to the end of the hall."

Breakfast... Right now, he would rather starve, but somehow his feet started moving along with the other cons.

"Hello pretty boy..."

The voice sneaked up from behind him. Traveling over his skin and leaving unpleasant shivers in its wake. How the fuck had Samuel been able to get so close to him when walking in line. Had he paid off a guard?

Alec felt the knot in his stomach churning once more. Balling up his fists, he prepared himself to fight.

"Lightwood! No breakfast for you today! You've got company!"

For the first time in his years in jail, he was happy to hear that guards voice.

"Sorry Sammy... Gotta go."

Alec skipped past Samuel, that scowled viciously at him.

That was to fucking close!

The guard grabbed his arm and lead him in the opposite direction of the dining hall.

"Open the gate!"

The metallic sound had never been sweeter, when the iron bars in front of him slid open and closed behind him as he created even bigger distance to Samuel.

"Sorry about missing breakfast, Lightwood, but the guy was pretty insisting on seeing you now."

"Oh, that's just fine Boss. I don't mind."

Alec couldn't hide the smile that spread over his face, when he saw the cop from last, sitting at the same spot. With another cop standing behind him. In full uniform, nonetheless.

As soon as the guard placed him at the chair, he grabbed the phone of the wall. He made no effort to hide his need to get out this time.

"Please say you are here to get me out!"

The cop shared a look with the uniformed man before answering.

"We are. But there are rules."

"I don't care. I accept it all. Just get me the fuck out."

Alec knew he was playing right into their hand, but he was not going back to his cell. Not now that he was convinced, he wouldn't live another day in here. He had heard it in Samuels voice. Today had been the "Suck it or lose it" deal, when Samuel got his hands on him. and he was sure as hell not going to suck it!

"Easy now. Listen, you're are being released on a limited time basis. If your information helps us catch the guy, we will transfer you to a different prison. One with better facilities. If not, you are going straight back. If you try to run, you go back. If you try to screw us over, you go back! Understood?"

"Yeah yeah. I've got it."

The uniformed guy left and within minutes he returned with the warden.

"It's your lucky day, Alec."

His heart started spinning out of control as the guard grabbed him and led him towards the exit. Releasing him in the custody of the cop that arrested him in the first place. He knew he had to put up his armor again later. That whole being-a-sassy-prick pretense, but for now he was just relieved and grateful, and he didn't mind letting the cop know. Hell, he had probably just saved his ass. Literally.

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