Chapter 9 - Exposed

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5 weeks earlier

"Here you go, officer. He's your problem now."

The guard removed the cuffs, he had placed on Alec's wrists, before bringing him out, making it possible for Cameron to replace them with his own. Magnus watched, standing a few steps behind. Following every move that Alec made, provided him with a little more insight of the guy. Magnus had always been good at reading people, and Alec was no exception, even though he was a bit harder to figure out.

The fear in his eyes had been very clear, when he was on the other side of the glass, but now it seemed like he was putting on a mask or something. Covering up his vulnerabilities.

As if Alec could feel Magnus's eyes on him while speaking with the warden, Alec returned the glare without stopping the conversation. Letting his eyes rake all over Magnus's body. A shiver went down Magnus's spine under the intense scrutiny. Cameron stood close by the two men and nodded once in a while to the warden's words.

"Remember officer Forrester, we are leaving him in your custody. You are his guardian the entire time he is outside these walls."

"Don't worry. We'll keep him under surveillance every minute of every day."

The warden turned towards Alec and placed a hand on his shoulder, demanding his attention. With what seemed like great effort, Alec tore his eyes from Magnus and concentrated on the warden yet again.

Watching them closely, Magnus could tell that the warden truly cared for his inmates. It seemed like he was encouraging Alec to do his best, trying to help on the case so he could get some better circumstances.

"Excuse me sir?"

The guard that had brought Alec to Cameron approached Magnus with an ankle-bracelet in his hand.

"Before you leave the premises, the inmate needs to get this on. It will track him all the time."

"Thank you"

Magnus took the bracelet as the guard handed it to him, before shifting his attention to the others again. Only this time, it was Alec that had been staring at him. His intense hazel eyes locked onto Magnus's, and unexpectedly sent his heartrate shooting through the roof. Unable to remove his eyes from the con, Magnus stood glaring. Oblivious to what was happening around him.

"Are you going to put that jewelry on me, or just keep staring at the perfection of my body?"

Magnus shook himself out of the haze he had been in and started fumbling with the ankle-bracelet. He hadn't even noticed the man approach him. He had been to focused on those beautiful eyes. Hastily he kneeled down and took a hold on the guys right pantleg. Then paused. Magnus was suddenly well aware of the intoxicating heat radiating from the body of the man he kneeled before. And very much aware of which part of Alec's body that was right at his eyesight, should he look up. Unwillingly, Magnus's hand started trembling.

"Do you need a hand, officer?"

Magnus didn't know if he was imagining things, but it seemed like the guys voice was dripping with sexual undertones.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm not that guy that gets effected by some random hot guy. It's usually the other way around.

Still not being able to move, Magnus kept kneeling in front of Alec. All too aware of the guys intoxicating presence.

"Dude, are you okay?"

Cameron suddenly came in his line of vision, kneeling down next to him.

"Umm... Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out a bit..."

Magnus ignored the slight chuckle that escaped the man above him, and began attaching the bracelet to Alec's ankle.

When he rose to his feet, he could feel the eyes burning into the back of his neck. He had never before been this tempted to just turn around and demand the kiss he was now craving from a stranger. A thief, nonetheless.

"Alright, let's go."

Cameron's voice broke the trancelike state Magnus had been in, and rapidly Magnus escaped out of the door, with Cameron and Alec not far behind. Actually, a little closer, than Magnus would like them to be at this current time. Close enough for him to hear the conversation between them.

"So, if I get the sense that your partner is getting sweet on me, would that be a total stretch?"

Magnus was well aware of Alec's provocative flirting. But for him, it seemed clear, that it wasn't because the guy was interested in Magnus, but more likely because he wanted to know if he could play him. use Magnus infatuation to his own advantage.

"Nah, not a total stretch. I mean, the guy is bi, but he is seeing my brother, so forget about it."

Cameron opened the backdoor to the squad car and shoved Alec inside. Walking around to the front, Cameron found Magnus with both palms placed firmly on the hood, leaning over the car.

"Are you okay, man?"

Cameron squeezed Magnus's shoulder."

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just nervous for being exposed, you know. I mean, if they had found out I was suspended, you would be punished too."

The look Cameron gave Magnus, revealed that he didn't completely believe that it was the reason for his strange behavior, but he didn't pursue the topic.

"Well, don't worry, everything went splendidly. Now, let's get this douchebag back to your place."

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