Chapter 18 - The White House

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4th of July

"Are you sure you are fine with this, Elliot? I mean, you can totally back out. I won't force you to go against the captain's orders."

Smiling, his partner placed his hands on Cameron's shoulders.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about me. Besides, captain Montgomery can't be trusted."

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure."

Both men handed their firearms to the security before being allowed to go inside The White House.

"So, we are going to find Magnus' brother and deliver the details of the psychos manifest that Magnus found. And hopefully that will be enough for Christian to convince The President and the rest of the members of the Cabinet."

"Yeah, hopefully. I can't believe Magnus actually convinced his brother to get them all to assess the threat."

Elliot kept looking around him as they walked. Taking in everything he saw.

"It wasn't exactly easy." The sound of Christians voice made them turn towards him.

"Christian, my man. So good to see you." Cameron hugged his friend tight. "And damn, don't you look all formal."

"Comes with the territory, Cami"

After hugging Cameron, Christian turned his attention towards Elliot.

"And you must be officer James. Nice to meet you."


Elliot shook Christians hand before they moved towards the office.

"So, you got something for me?"

"Yeah," Cameron handed Christian the manifest and a document written by Magnus containing the most important pieces from the manifest. Providing an overview.

"Alright then. Let me just read through this," Christian turned around, walking towards his desk. "and then I'll get back to..."

Christians words were cut short when Elliot grabbed a figurine from the desk and knocked Christian out.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Cameron screamed at his partner and reached for his weapon, only to be reminded that it wasn't there.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Cam sprung for the door, trying to warn people, but before he reached it a sharp pain struck the back of his head and everything went dark.


Groaning, Cameron opened his eyes. His vision was blurred, and he could feel a sticky substance at the back of his head.


Wanting to reach up and feel how bad the wound was, Cameron discovered he had been bound. Hands tied behind his back. Panic began sneaking in and he wrestled in the chair, trying to get out of the restraints.

"Don't bother Cam. I've been trying for an hour..."

Christian was sitting behind him on a chair with their backs together.

"Dammit! Chris, I'm so fucking sorry man."

"It's not your fault."

"I was the one that brought him in here..."

"Yes, but he is not alone. Some other men were here too. Packing a lot of heat. This would have happened if you had brought Elliot here or not."

Once more Cam tried to get his hands free.

"stop it. You'll hurt yourself. Besides, right now I think we just have to be along for the ride. Stay calm. Evaluate the situation and wait for the right time to make a move."

"I had completely forgot how good you are in these types of situations. Well then, colonel, I'll follow your move. Just like back in the day."

"well isn't this nice. Taking a stroll down memory lane. Cameron, you never told me you served in the military with the Secretary of Defense?"

Elliot kneeled down in front of Cameron. Casually holding a machine gun M60.

Cameron glared at Elliot. Anger burning in his eyes.

"Don't feel like talking? Alright, I'll do the talking."

Getting up, Elliot began making his way towards Christian.

"As we speak, Malcolm is currently gathering all of the people in The White House. And thanks to you two, and Magnus of course, that means all the members of the Cabinet."


Christian muttered under his breath. Remembering he had seen the words: "replacing the current Government" among the lines of Magnus' document.

"now you are beginning to figure it out... and here I thought you were the smart one."

Elliot walked over to Cameron again.

"So, are you figuring it out too, Cami? How you've been played?"

Realization hid Cameron hard. All the dots connecting in his head.

"You were the rat! You drugged the guy."

"Ding, ding, ding!" Elliot threw his hands in the air. "You figured it out! Good job. A little late, but good job. And that was not all I did. No, no, no. I did so much more. And right under your noses."

Elliot poked Cameron's nose with the machine gun.

"and it was so easy; I mean, you guys are extremely predictable. Magnus in particular. He did exactly what I wanted him too. I just had to seduce the captain. Get her to play into my hands. Then all the pieces fell together. I knew Magnus couldn't leave the case alone, so it was easy to get him suspended. And then we just had to make sure he found the manifest. Once he had that, he would call in a favor with his brother that would call the entire Cabinet to a meeting. And here we are. Right where we planned all along."

"Fuck you!"

Elliot chuckled at Cameron's remark.

"Is that all? I thought you were the sassy one."

A phone began buzzing, and Elliot reached into his pocket. Looking at the screen, he began moving towards the exit.

"I would love to stay and chat, but I'm needed elsewhere. We are still waiting for a couple of more guests that are late to this party."

When Elliot walked out, Cameroncould see guards outside the office. Apparently, Malcolm had taken over TheWhite House. What were they supposed to d

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