Chapter 12 - The plan

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5 weeks earlier

"So, what's the plan?"

Alec looked at Magnus, waiting to hear the masterplan.

It was clear from his tone of voice, that Alec was convinced Magnus didn't have any plan. And he was, embarrassing enough, right. No way in hell had he been able to plan out something genius considering the night he had just had. Magnus was too exhausted to carry on a single train of thought. At least the awkward tension between them had dulled down when Ryan left this morning.

"I don't know," Magnus admitted "But I do know that I'm in seriously need of some coffee."

"Well, since you were kind enough to uncuff me, I'll make us some coffee. And I might have a plan too."

Magnus watched Alec's attempt to figure out the coffeemaker. The guy had no clue what he was doing.

"Dude, seriously? Is this coffeemaker something straight out of Star trek or what?"

Alec pushed every button with a confused look on his face.

"No. stop that."

Magnus smacked Alec's hands out of the way.

"It's an expresso maker. Move out of the way, I'll do it."

Magnus bumped Alec with his hip, moving him away. A slight flicker of the tension from earlier, creeped back into Alec's way of looking at him. A light blush covering his cheeks. Not much, but Magnus could see it was there.



Alec quickly responded and placed himself at the table.

When both men finally had a cup of coffee to turn their attention towards, things started to dull down again, and a normal conversation took place.

"So, you had an idea?"

Magnus asked Alec that was sipping from his cup.

"Yeah, maybe. Back in the day, when Morgan, Malcolm and I hung out... making plans"

"Plans to knock over jewelry stores."

Magnus chimed in.

"Shut up... and yes. We would meet up in this little cabin. It was fairly isolated and not used that much. We might get a clue to what Malcolm is planning, if we search the place."

"Great. Let's go."

Magnus emptied his cup and stood up.

"Wait. There is just one thing..."


Magnus sat back down again.

"We need to get into the Hayes families property."


Magnus glared at Alec.

"What do you mean get into?"

"Well, their dad is pretty loaded. So, he has this big property. And he is a real suspicious kind of man too. Which makes sense when you look at how he earned his money."

"Please don't say his in the mob or something."

"No no. Not at all. He sells weapons."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Relax. I know what to do. Their dad never deals with customers himself. Too dangerous for him. He sends his people, so they won't recognize me. I'll contact Mr. Hayes and let him know we want to buy. They let us in, we buy some guns, and do a little snooping."

"And what good will that do?"

"He always used this little cabin in the back of his yard to make the deals. The same cabin where Malcolm and I planned our.... Activities too."


"Why do you have to keep doing that?"

Magnus shrugged innocently.

"Anyway, we buy the guns, I'll go outside to test them, and you'll look around in there."

" and why would they let me do that?"
"Because you are going to be my bodyguard, so they will see it as a sign of good faith, if I tell you to wait there."


"Yes, so just stand there, look tough and, yeah, maybe show of those biceps of yours."

Alec squeezed Magnus' arm, before he rapidly tore it out of Alec's grasp.

"Don't touch me."

"Fine... such a baby..."

Alec mumbled under his breath before walking towards the bedroom, heading for the closet door.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"We'll need some different clothes. I need to look rich and you need to look... well badass."

"There aren't any clothes in there..."

"Hmm, you don't say..."

Alec looked at the door curiously.

"My clothes are in the closet over there."

Magnus pointed to the door in the opposite side of the room.


Alec followed Magnus to the other closet door.

"What do you have in there, anyway?"

"None of your goddamn business."

Magnus pulled out a black Armani suit with a white shirt and a black tie to go along with it.

Alec stared at it before reaching out to touch the fabric. He whistled impressed.

"That's a lot different form the orange jumper..."

"No really? I would never have guessed."

A light grin covered Magnus' face.

"You do know I won't be able to fit into any of your clothes..."

"Yes, and that is way this is my brothers. He left it here last time we had dinner with our parents. We wanted to hit the clubs afterwards, so he changed his clothes. And you two are almost the same height."

"You wear Armani suits to have dinner with your parents?"

Magnus held the suit up in front of Alec, taking measurements.


"Nothing... that's just... a lot different from my world."

"Of course. We are not criminals."

Sighing Alec rolled his eyes at Magnus.

"That's not what I meant."

"I know. Go get dressed."

Alec took the suit carefully and went to the bathroom. Not that Alec was going to admit it, but Magnus was sure Alec was really looking forward to trying it on.

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