Chapter 14 - Deceived

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5 weeks earlier

Magnus drove towards the Hayes family's estate, and Alec had been right. The family was rich. Not as much as his own, but not many people were. It was a huge house, surrounded by impeccable landscaped front and back and a giant wall around the property. Ensuring privacy.

Shooting a glimpse in the rearview mirror he saw the flicker of old memories creep into Alec's eyes. Magnus hoped he could keep that locked down during his conversation with the guys selling the guns. Otherwise they were fucked. And not in the good way.

"Are you okay back there?"

"What? Yeah sure."

Alec quickly glanced in Magnus' direction before gazing out the window, deeply lost in memories once more.

Reaching the gate, Magnus rolled down the window, before pressing the button to the intercom outside.

"State you name and errand."

"Mr. Holden here to do business."

"Please hold."

The line went dead for a couple of seconds before a loud buzz sounded and the gate began opening.

"Welcome Mr. Holden. Follow the path to the right all the way around the building."

Magnus began driving in the instructed direction.

"Remember, you are Neal Holden. Newly rich and interested in buying the local gang's appreciation and security before getting into politics. You are a master manipulator. Got it?"

"Shouldn't be that difficult. But how the hell did you come up with that story?"

"it happens more than you would know."

"Alright then. Showtime, I'll try and do you proud."

Alec winked at Magnus as he pulled up the car.

Rolling his eyes, he stepped out and cast a glance in every direction before opening the door for Alec. This wasn't Magnus' first time undercover. But it was the first time without back up. He sure hoped he wouldn't need it.

"Mr. Holden."

A man with an Italian accent walked past Magnus and offered his hand to Alec that grabbed it.


"Fabricio. Welcome. Right this way"

Alec followed the Italian guy, while doing his best not to let it show that he was fully aware of which way they were supposed to go.

"It's a beautiful property."

Alec started making Smalltalk, and it didn't go undetected by Magnus, how well Alec played a role. Even under these circumstances that had to be causing him trouble.

"Thank you, Mr. Holden. I'll be sure to let Mr. Hayes know that you think so."

When they reached the cabin, Fabricio gestured for the two men to go inside.

"What a charming little place."

Alec did his best to hide the feelings that overwhelmed him by being there again. Very convincingly, he wandered around, looking inside the cabin. Like he was seeing the place for the first time, and was making sure everything was alright. Magnus placed himself at the entry, hands clutched behind his back. Standing military style.

"Are you ready to do business Mr. Holden."

Alec stopped at a small desk, still having his back towards the others. He lingered there for at while, before turning around.

"Yes. Let's take a look."

He joined Fabricio at the table in the middle of the room, where a large briefcase was placed, containing the guns.

Fabricio snapped it open and revealed the weapons to Alec.

Brushing his fingers lightly over the weapons, he looked convincingly like he inspected them. He could even fool Magnus right now.

"Beautiful pieces. But are they as good as they look? I need quality for my... men."

"Yes. They are nontraceable. And very precise. Why don't you try one out?"

"Alright. You, stay here."

Alec gestured to Magnus who gave a stern nod and moved to the side, letting Alec and Fabricio go outside. As soon as the door closed Magnus began his inspection.

The first thing he did was search the desk where Alec had lingered. Something in the way he had stood there, made Magnus think he had been up to something. And sure enough, right under a small, almost dying, flower was a little piece of paper. Magnus quickly glanced towards the door, before he read it.

Morgan, I can't contact you directly.
I'm under surveillance. I'll find you. I promise. We'll be together soon.

I love you.

Magnus sighed. Just as he expected. Alec was trying to screw him over, but for now he would let it play out. Maybe it would lead them to Malcolm. And If not, at least he could take pleasure in throwing Alec back into the prison he was so terrified of.

As soon as he heard footsteps outside, he placed the note where he found it, and returned to the spot he had been in when they left.

"The weapons were perfect. We'll buy these samples, and then get back to you on a bigger order when I have shown them to my men."

Alec nodded towards Magnus.

"Pay the man."

Magnus pulled out a bundle of bills and handed them to Fabricio.

"Thank you for doing business."

The man gestured towards the door, when Magnus grabbed the briefcase with the guns.

As soon as they were outside the gates, both men let out a deep sigh.

"Holy shit that was awesome!"

Alec's eyes were beaming with adrenalin.

"yeah yeah. Lets just get far away from here before we celebrate."

"Fine... Jesus you are such a buzzkill."

Magnus glanced in the mirror, looking at Alec's beaming smile. The guy was right. He was a buzzkill, but he felt like he was entitled to be one in this moment.

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