Chapter 15 - Evidence

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2 weeks earlier

Papers were scattered all over the dining room table alongside coffee cups, plates and various Chinese takeout boxes. For a couple of weeks Magnus and Alec had been working their asses off trying to figure out what Malcolm was planning. The trip to the Hayes estate hadn't given much, but since then they had been to a lot of other small hideouts that Malcolm had once used.

Magnus shut a glance towards Alec that was currently eating an eggroll while reading through some of the papers they had gathered. Not that they had found anything important at all. No surprise there. Magnus didn't trust him. The only reason Alec had been finding these small hideouts, was because Morgan, Malcolm's sister, had been leaving him hints on where to go next. Alec however, did not know that Magnus had found out about his secret communication, and that was exactly how Magnus wanted it to be. It gave him the upper hand, even though Morgan was probably leading them straight into a trap with her brother. But at least he would be prepared for it.

"Dude, I think I might have something."

Alec handed the paper to Magnus.

Great another "clue" left behind. What was her agenda this time?

Looking over the paper Alec had handed him, Magnus did actually find this information useful. It was a receipt for a storage unit booked in Malcolm's name. There was a fifty-fifty chance that this was the trap Magnus had been waiting for. And if it was, he would make sure it was Malcolm that got screwed over instead.

Never try to outfox the fox. I've done this for a long time, I know how to play this game.

"Let's go check it out."

"Sure. It beats sitting in here."

Alec walked straight to the door but stopped before opening it and looked back.

"Are you coming?"

Still standing next to the table, Magnus watched Alec's every move. For a while now he had eased up on the restrictions to Alec's whereabouts in the house. Making him feel safe and comfortable. Letting him believe that he had Magnus fooled. That Magnus had been infatuated by his charm.

Playing into his role, Magnus shook his head as if to clear his own thoughts and forcefully removed his eyes from Alec's body.

"Right... Sorry... Got distracted."

"I could see that. Did you like what you got distracted by?"

Alec winked at Magnus that was now making his way towards the door.

"Oh, shut up. Get in the car."

With a grin Alec walked out in front of Magnus, swaying his hips just a little bit.

At least it's easy to play this role. Not much pretending necessary.


When they arrived at the storage facility Cameron was waiting for them. Magnus had called him from the car saying he needed his partner for this. Luckily for Magnus, Cameron hadn't even questioned it. Probably because he knew Magnus was planning something that either needed his backup or his badge. Most likely both. Since Alec still didn't know that Magnus was suspended and worked this case without permission, Magnus had been worried the Cameron would have said anything on the phone, but he hadn't.

"Long time, no see."

Cameron walked straight up to Magnus and pulled him into a backslapping hug.

"way to long. How you've been, Cam?"

"Well, Peyton is being a bitch as usual so not much have changed. And I see you still have the perpetrator close by."

Alec approached to two men with a sly smile.

"The blond cop. I would say nice to see you again, but that would be a lie."

"And he's still a dick..."

Cameron spoke, without removing his attention from Magnus.

"Oh, you have no idea! He's impossible to live with."

"Aww... You hurt my feelings... Why do you always hurt my feelings when the blond one is here? Especially when I know that you appreciate my company."

Alec winked at Magnus that scowled in response while Cameron tried to mask his laugh with a cough.

"Why don't we concentrate on why we are here. Cam, could you go get the owner so he can let us into the unit? I'll keep my eye on this one in the meantime."

"Sure. I'll be right back."

When Cameron walked away, Alec leaned closer to Magnus, whispering.

"You really do like to keep those eyes on me, don't you? I see you gawking at my ass every time I step out of the shower."

A blush began covering Magnus' cheeks, totally caught off guard. He didn't know how to respond. The guy spoke the truth. Magnus just hadn't realized he had been caught. Not that it mattered. It went well with the role he was playing, but still kind of embarrassing.

"I... um..."

"No need to answer, tough guy. Besides, your buddy is coming back this way now and we wouldn't want him to know anything, now would we?"

With his mouth slightly open, Magnus glared at Alec unable to put together a comeback.

"Got the key!"

Cameron waved the key in the air while approaching. Clearing his throat and snapping his head back in the game, Magnus answered.

"Great, let's go see what we can find."

The unit was pretty organized and didn't contain much stuff. Neither did it look like a trap had been prepared.

Or maybe we scared him of by bringing Cam...

Magnus swept his eyes over the small space, assessing where to begin.

"You...," Magnus pointed his finger at Alec. "go to the back and start searching the boxes. We'll take the front."

Without complaining Alec began searching the boxes he had been assigned.

"So, how's everything really going at the precinct?" Magnus had lowered his voice, making sure Alec didn't hear. Cameron did the same.

"well, I didn't lie when I said Peyton's being a bitch. It seems most likely that the rat I've been trying to find, the one that drugged our guy, is her. She is the only one that had access to him. And she is being sketchy. More than usual. I've caught here sneaking around more than once. Lying about where she's going. My new partner followed her one day, and she went into some apartment building when she had told the precinct, she was going to the courthouse. Something's fishy."

"Fuck... I knew she was a bitch, but I hadn't thought she would participate in terrorism. But it does make sense, since she was the one that didn't want us to pursue the case. And suspended me just as I was finding a link to Malcolm."

Both cops shut a glance towards their link, Alec.

"If we are right about this, Magnus, then we are in way over our heads."

"I know. Let's get some hard evidence and then we'll go to the FBI. Just keep looking with your partner, and let me know if you find anything."

As cam nodded in agreement, Alec called out.

"Guys, I think I found something. And it doesn't seem good..."

Standing up, Alec had what appeared to be blueprints in his hands. Magnus and Cameron walked over to him just as he spread them out over a tall stack of boxes.

"Is that what I think it is?" Cam asked while gesturing to the papers.

"Yes..." Sternly Magnus removed his eyes from the papers in front of him and looked at Cameron. "it's blueprints to The White House..."

Shocked, Alec sat down on a box, muttering.

"Oh fuck... that's not good..."

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