Chapter 20 - Switch

699 49 18

4th of July

#triggerwarning #assult #violence

Once inside, they could hear the heavily armed guards run towards the broken-down wall. Quickly Magnus dragged Alec inside an unlocked room, just to hide while Alec got his breath and movements back after being thrown around by the blast.

"Are you okay? Can you move?" Magnus whispered.

"sure. It was just the impact. I'll be fine in a minute."

Magnus sad Alec down next to the door, both listening in on the men outside.

"Goddammit, this new guy, the boss brought in, doesn't know shit. He keeps screwing up. What if it had been all of the explosive that had went off? It would have brought down the entire building while we were still in it."

The voices travelled through the door, and Alec grinned silently.

"I could have told them that." Magnus shushed him.


The voice sounded like it came from a walky-talky. Alec recognized the voice as Malcolm's.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"someone's inside. The reporters outside caught the whole thing and they are broadcasting it now. I can't see who it is, but I have a pretty good guess. Find them and make sure they feel welcome."

"On it."

The guy, Jackson, called out to the guards around him, barking out orders. Fortunately, they had expected them to have gone further into the building so no one checked the room they were hiding in.

"Now is the time to get out of here. Can you walk?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just help me get up."

With ease Magnus pulled Alec to his feet. As soon as he was standing, he had no trouble walking. With a slight limp, but not much.

"Let's go..."

Cracking the door slightly, Magnus peeked out before gesturing for Alec to follow. They sneaked out into the hallway and went further inside the building. Both men on lookout for the guards.

It didn't take long before they had a run-in with one of them. Magnus reached for his weapon, but it wasn't there.

"Fucking hell!" He threw himself into a punch, knocking the guy's head back against the wall. The limp body dropped to the ground.

"That was kind of cool!"

Alec was impressed. The man had skills.

"That was not cool. That was lucky. I left my gun outside. Help me get his weapons."

Magnus kneeled down next to the guard that had been knocked out. But before Alec could join him, a familiar voice sounded.

"Strange to see you here. Or maybe not that strange..."

The redhead, the one that had stared at him in Magnus' house, walked closer, pointing a machinegun at them. Magnus raised his hands and got up, slowly.

"Elliot. I guess you are the one that pulled the strings at the precinct."

"Nicely done, Magnus. You figured it out a little faster than poor Cami."

"what did you do to him?!"

Magnus tried to take a step forward, but Alec grabbed his arm. Held him back while shaking his head. He didn't want Magnus to get killed.

"nothing... yet. But you two will join him, and the others right now.


When Elliot pushed them inside the room, the first thing Alec saw, was Magnus' brother and the blond cop bound with their backs against each other. Then there were a lot of people he didn't recognize, also tied down. A couple of guards, along with Malcolm that was standing in front of the President that looked like he had taken a little beating. Next to him was... Morgan.

Alec couldn't remove his eyes from her. He hadn't seen her in two years. He barely noticed when Magnus was pushed down on his knees and got his hands tied behind his back. He only noticed Morgan that ran to him and threw herself into his arms.

"Baby! I've missed you so much."

Morgan kissed him and hugged him tight. As in a trance, Alec slowly wrapped his arms around her small body. He couldn't believe he was finally holding her.

"At last we're together, baby. So happy you found my notes. I knew you would. And I knew you would bring him here too."

She kissed him once more before turning around to face Magnus. Smiling maliciously. Magnus starred at them, not a single sign on surprise on his face.

"oh, did you expect me not to know? Sorry to disappoint Sweetheart, but I knew all along."

"That's a lie!" Morgan yelled at him.

Something seemed wrong. Alec couldn't quite put his finger on it, but she seemed different...

Morgan drew in a deep breath before facing Alec again. Looking at him with love and affection. Now he recognized the woman he loved. Alec smiled at her. This was the woman he knew.

"Baby..." Morgan cooed. "If we are ever going to be together, we need to get rid of him..." Morgan kissed Alec while placing a gun in his hands. "Kill him baby... do it for us."

Alec looked down at the weapon in his hands. Kill someone? He had never killed anything... and to kill Magnus... how was he supposed to do that?"

"Come on baby. Do it... do it for me, baby. You love me, right? Then do it"

Morgan caressed Alec's arm. Kissing his cheek. All while Magnus had locked his eyes on Alec's. Not saying a word, but somehow him not speaking was even worse. Alec felt Magnus' eyes piercing into his soul.

"I told you he couldn't do it. He's a nobody. A coward. Just like his dad. That's why I made sure he went to jail before we begun this plan. He isn't tough enough. Not strong enough. And definitely not good enough for you, Sister. He won't ever be able to protect you. Look at him! He is a fucking pussy!"

Malcolm's words hit something inside him. Sending him straight back to the night he failed to protect his sister.


"He's coming Alec! Oh my god, he is going to kill me!"

They could hear his steps just outside the door. Alec stood up in front of the bed. Shielding Izzy with his body.

"Don't worry sis. I won't let him hurt you."

The door got kicked open so violently it slammed the wall hard enough for the pictures on the wall to fall down and break. Glass covered the floor.

"Move you little shit! Or I'll make you move!"

His breath smelled like alcohol. His eyes shined with anger. But Alec refused to back down.

"no! you are not hurting her!"

Their father punched Alec in the face, making him fall to the ground. He groaned and tried to get up, but his vision was blurred. He only saw stars and darkness. He could hear his sister screaming.

Alec used all he had in him to get up and threw himself on top of their dad that had Izzy pinned to the bed, choking her while she was writhing beneath him. Tugging at his hands. Alec slammed his fists into the man's back, but nothing worked. With only one hand, their father grabbed Alec by the arm and threw him back against the wall. Knocking him out.

When he woke up, his sister's cold dead eyes stared at him from the bed.


The memory brought tears to his eyes. He would never again fail to protect someone he loved!

Determined, Alec took a step forward and placed the gun at Magnus' temple.

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