Chapter 6 - The offer

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7 weeks earlier

If he didn't look at the steal fence and the crowded yard, he could almost convince himself, that he was spending a couple of hours in the local park. But it was too hard to ignore the shouts and groans from all the individuals around him with too much testosterone.

Alec leaned back, resting his elbows on the table that was attached to the bench he was sitting on. He closed his eyes and let the early spring sun, shine its warming light on his face.

"Enjoying yourself?"

It wasn't necessary for Alec to open his eyes to recognize the person standing next to the bench. The voice was already becoming familiar.

"Have you begun stalking me now?"

Alec didn't move at all. He forced every muscle in his body to stay relaxed. He didn't want to let the elderly man know, that he was beginning to creep him out. This was the fourth time today, that man had talked to him. And that was after two years of never speaking.

The guy laughed at Alec's remark.

"You're funny, young man."

Opening a single eye slightly, Alec peeked at the man. A smile was covering his face. It seemed genuine enough. Alec couldn't help but wonder if he was just becoming to paranoid from being locked up in her. The old man looked nice enough.

"Well, stalking or not, if you are going to keep shoving up, then I might as well get your name."

"That seems fair enough. Especially since I already know yours."


His entire body tensed up in an instant. Alec sat up straight, staring at the guy.

"How do you know my name?"


The guy placed himself on the bench right next to Alec. Just a little to close to be comfortable.

"Samuel told me. He's quite fond of you."

Alec rapidly made a move to stand up and run away, but before he could get of the bench, someone grabbed his arm.

"Hello pretty-boy. Did you miss me?"

Samuel leaned in close enough to whisper the words into Alec's ear. His heart started pounding and adrenalin rushed through his veins. He had never been that scared before, not even when his old man had beaten him with a baseball bat.

Samuels fingers dug deeper into his flesh with every passing second, but Alec knew he couldn't show any sign of pain. It was almost a drug to guys like Samuel. Tormenting others. Seeing the fear and pain reflected in their eyes. Alec would not give him that satisfaction. No way in hell. He wouldn't crack. He never had. Actually, he would rather die, than give in to people like Samuel. People like his own father.

Samuel stepped even closer, placing a shiv against the skin on the small part of his back. The shiv was on old toothbrush sharpened into a knifelike weapon.

Silently saying goodbye to his loved ones, Alec closed his eyes and swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall. He was not ready to die, but then again, his life wasn't worth much anyway.

"LIGHTWOOD! You've got a visitor!"

The prison guard approached the bench at the same time as Samuel packed away the shiv. The guard's eyes darted from Alec to Samuel when he noticed Alec's rapid breathing.

"Is everything all right here, Ladies?"

Samuel turned around, smiling broadly.

"Everything is perfect, Boss."

"Good. Now, move along. And Lightwood, you are coming with me."

Alec took a deep shaky breath before following the guard. This was way too close, man. Way to close!

The guard took him all the way to the room, where the non-contact visitations were.

Alec couldn't help the confused look on his face, when the guard seated him at the telephone with a stone-faced young man sitting behind the glass. Although he did seem familiar, Alec couldn't quite place him. He picked up the phone at the same time as the other man.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

Alec stared at the man for a while, then a provocative smile spread across his face.

"Are you the guy whose wife I fucked a couple of years ago?"

"Don't bother playing smart, Alec. You can't fool me. I can see the way your chest rises and falls quickly. Hell, I can almost smell the fear oozing from your pores. You are terrified in here. Which means these stupid smartass remarks of yours, are your way of trying to gain a little bit of control in a hopeless situation."

Alec could sense his mouth dropping at the other man's words. He had no idea who he was, but the guy had read him like an open book. Which rarely happened. Alec had always been good at hiding his true feelings.

"I'm here to offer you a deal. If you tell me everything I need to know about Malcolm Hayes, I will arrange for you to be relocated to another facility."

Alec tilted his head a bit, studying the man across from him. Recognition suddenly hit him.

"I remember you. You are that cop that locked me up in here!"

Alec stood up, slamming one fist into the glass that was separating the two men.

"You fucking PIG! You are the reason I'm in here!"

Without moving a muscle, Magnus calmly replied.

"No, you did that to yourself. Now sit down, before the guard behind you, drags you out of here."

With a scowl Alec remained standing.

"Fine, suit yourself. If you don't sit down, you won't get a chance to leave this place."

Slowly, Alec sat back down in the chair. Staring at Magnus, he started planning in his head.

"I want more than just a relocation. If you want me to spill the beans on Malcolm, I need a lot more. I want to go outside of these walls."

"No way. That's not gonna happen!"

"If you want your information's, you'll let me out. As a consultant during your case. And when you get Malcolm, you can take me back to some other prison. One with better circumstances."

"You are delusional if you think I'm going to let you out."

Alec leaned back in his chair.

"Well, I think you really need the info I've got... So those are my terms. Nothing less will do."

Alec kept a straight face, locking all his emotions deep down inside of him. He couldn't let the cop see how desperate he was to get out. He knew he wouldn't survive much longer in here. Not now that Samuel had stepped up his game.

"Forget it Lightwood. No deal!"

Magnus slammed the phone back onto the holder on the wall and walked out.


Magnus could feel the fear and anxiety build up once more. That fucking cop had called his bluff. He wanted to shout for him to get back here, but his pride kept him from doing it. He just had to find some other way to survive.

Year right... like that's gonna happen...

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