Chapter 11 - Desperation

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5 weeks earlier

The cop, the one named Magnus, began pulling out pots and pans. Alec hadn't thought that the guy could cook, but anything would be better than the slop he ate in prison.

"Do you need any help?"

Alec placed himself behind Magnus, a little closer than he normally would, and looked over his shoulder as the man placed the ingredients on the counter. Alec's body slightly touching Magnus' whenever he moved.

"No thank you."

Magnus kept working with the food, seemingly unaffected to Alec's presence. Alec felt confused. What had happened since he had lost his power over the guy? He knew he had affected him when they were inside the prison. Enough even, to influence the guy's state of mind in the car.

Alec stepped back and sat himself down at the kitchen table. He was marveled. This was not something he was used too. If a guy had even a hint of sexual curiosity towards men, Alec had always been able to seduce and manipulate them. And now this guy, who by the way was bisexual, was completely capable of resisting him. This was a serious problem! It fucked up his plans of getting away and finding Morgan.

"Do you eat meat?"

Magnus glanced over his shoulder, while preparing a delicious looking steak.

"Yeah, I'm a huge fan of meat. I'll stuff any kind of meat in my mouth."

Alec winked at Magnus, who barely reacted to the clear sexual insinuation and just started preparing another steak.

What the fuck is happening to my sexual appeal?

His palms started sweating and he needed air. What was he going to do? How was he going to get away, if he wasn't able to manipulate this guy into taking of the fucking ankle bracelet off? He had been so sure of his plan.

"I... I need some air... can I go out into the yard?"
Magnus put the steak down at the counter and approached Alec. Something similar to concern shoved clear on his face.

"Are you alright?"

Magnus looked down at Alec with his head slightly tilted. Eyes raking over him.

"Yeah... I'm just... I don't know... I just need air."

"Sure. Straight through the living room you find a terrace door."

Alec got up, placed one hand on Magnus' shoulder before muttering a quiet thanks. He then proceeded towards the door, grabbing a small corkscrew undetected from the filled wine rack. In the process Alec noticed the labels. All high-quality fancy bottles. Maybe cops had a better salary than he thought.

As soon as he was outside in the fresh breeze, Alec sat down and tried to pick the lock on the ankle bracelet. He was desperate. His plan had fell through and he didn't know what to do.

Somewhere In the back of his mind, he knew this was stupid. It was never going to work, and he would be thrown right back in jail, but he silenced the thought, just as he often did his sisters voice in his head.

"For Christ sake! Just fucking unlock, you piece of shit!"

Alec lost his temper and started stabbing the bracelet with the corkscrew.

"That won't do you any good. Besides, if you were to get it open, cops would be flooding this place within minutes."

Alec threw the corkscrew far into the yard.


He covered his face in his hands,

"Am I going back to jail now?"

"No. Not this time. But I can't trust you anymore, so you are going to be locked up.

Alec glared at the guy.

"Please tell me you are joking?"

"Not at all."

Magnus raised a couple of leather cuffs and dangled it in front of Alec's line of sight.

"Those are not real cuffs..."

"Nope. They are way more comfortable. Trust me."

Magnus strapped in Alec's right wrist before dragging him to his feet and to the bedroom.

"This seems just a tad to kinky, officer. Are you already giving into your partners prediction?"

Alec smiled at Magnus innocently.

"No. But since you are staying like this for a while, I thought you might as well get comfortable."

Alec sat himself down on the bed, looked up at Magnus and handed him his wrists. For a second Alec could swear he saw a hint of lust in the man's eyes. Maybe he wasn't completely immune anyway?

When Magnus had cuffed up Alec, he returned to the stove.

Half an hour later, Alec could see Magnus entering the dinning groom with plates. Setting up the table. The door to the bedroom was open just enough for Alec to be able to see the table.

"Are you at least going to uncuff me while we eat?"

"Maybe. Haven't decided yet."

Before Magnus could leave the room to retrieve the food, the sound of a door slamming startled them both. All Alec could see was a whirlwind of blond hair jumping onto Magnus' body, attaching himself to him with his arms around Magnus' neck and leg's wrapped around his waist. Magnus rapidly grabbed the man's thighs to hold him up. The blond one attacked Magnus with steaming kisses on his mouth and neck.

"I miss you Magnus. I need you. God, I'm so horny. Please baby, I need you."

The young man slid to his knees and began opening Magnus' belt. Alec had been startled at first, but now he couldn't help but grin.

"Holy shit, someone seems thirsty."

The young man turned his head away from Magnus' crotch, where his fly was now open, and glared at Alec.

"Who's he?"

"No one important Ry. Just a con."

Magnus slammed the door to the bedroom shut.

"Come on, give a guy a break! I'm horny too!"

Alec grinned at the closed door, hoping his words had some kind of effect. Not that he wanted to join them. No. But he needed Magnus to see him as something sexual, if he was going to get his plan back on track.

Alec didn't know if his words had done anything, but he could clearly hear Magnus' groaning and the other guy's muffled moans. And the weird thing was, it actually didn't creep him out at all.

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