bruises and eyeliner Part 2

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 -Selena's P.O.V- 

 When I woke up the next morning Travis was sitting on a chair across from my bed, staring at me. 

I could see the guilt and anguish in his eyes. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a quiet voice. 

 "Sore.." He sighed, standing up and walked over to me, kneeling down beside my bed and taking both my hands in his and brought them to his lips kissing them tenderly. 

 "I don't deserve a girl like you Selena, I'm sorry.." He mumbled against my knuckles. 

 It was moments like these that brought back the bittersweet memories of our relationship before the abuse. The time when he acted like he cared. 

The time when I actually believed him when he said 'I Love You.'."I know you are." I whispered and gave him a weak smile.

 Just wait till later, he'll do it all again. Hit me and scream.It was a routine for him by now.

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