bruises and eyeliner Part 17

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-Selena's P.O.V-

I was woken up by a doctor entering my room with a clip board in his hand. He looked up and stared at me and Justin who was still asleep beside me, snoring lightly, his breath hitting off of my neck. A smile appeared on the doctors face as he walked over and stood at the bottom of the bed. 

"Ah, you're awake Ms. Gomez." He smiled, "I'm Dr. Khan." 

 I gave him a tired smile and a slight nod. 

 "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked.

 "I have a pain in my head but it's not that bad. Other than that, I feel fine." I replied. 

Justin groaned softly and his eyes fluttered open. He stared at the doctor with a confused look on his face before looking at me and giving me a tired, but warm smile.

 "Morning gorgeous." He grinned, kissing my cheek.

 "Morning hun." I replied, blushing at his words then gestured towards the doctor, "That's Dr. Khan. My doctor. I'm not sure if you two have met before."

 Justin looked away from me and looked at Dr. Khan and nodded, "Yeah, we have. Briefly though. He's the one that kept me updated on what was going on."

Dr. Khan smiled, "Nice to see you again, Justin."

 "You too." Justin replied, "Oh.. And uh.. Thank you for saving my girl." 

 I smiled and rested my head against Justin's shoulder, "Yeah, thank you."

 "It was no problem, really." 

The smile soon dissipated off of Dr. Khans face and turned serious. 

 "I know that you've just woke up Ms. Gomez and that you'd like your rest but the cops need to question you about what happened, we're aware that what happened to you was no accident and in that case, we can't just let this slip through our fingers."

Justin looked down on me, giving me a reassuring looked before lowering his head so that his lips were barely touching my ear, "Don't feel the need to talk to the cops right away Selena, we can always do it when you're fully recovered. I'll be there with you every step of the way no matter what you decide." 

I gave Justin a thankful looked and then turned my gaze back to Dr. Khan who was waiting patiently for me to speak. 

I sucked in a deep breath, "Ok, of course I will talk to the cops about what happened but not now. I'm not in the mood to have question being fired at me about what happened." 

"I can understand that." Dr. Khan replied, "Do you have any idea who did this to you though?"

 I tensed and Justin felt it. 

 "I'm sure she'll tell the cops that when she's ready. Like she said, she's not in the mood to answer questions." Justin said to Dr. Khan in a slightly annoyed tone.

I let out a breath, relieved that I had Justin here with me to help me with the doctors and to defend me when people want answers.I believe that I made the right decision when I decided that I wanted to be with Justin. And only Justin. Nobody else. I didn't want him to feel like he was the other man because that's far from true. He's my number one. My one and only. 

 Dr. Khan nodded, "Okay. Well, that's all I need to know. Ms. Gomez, if your headache gets worse, call the nurse, they'll give you some painkillers to ease the pain."

 I nodded, "Ok. Thanks again." 

 "No problem." He replied as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

 As soon as the door closed, I looked up at Justin and kissed him gently. 

 "Thank you." I mumbled against his lips. 

 He pulled back and looked me in the eyes and chucked lightly, "There's no need to thank me for anything Selena. I'm in love with you, I'll do anything to make you happy, no matter what it is."

 I grinned, "I'm in love with you too Justin." 

 As I said that, Justin leaned in and kissed me again.

 Nothing but pure bliss.

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