bruises and eyeliner Part 25 The End

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-Selena's P.O.V- 

 I sighed as Justin pulled me into his chest, pressing his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes, loving his touch. 

"What if it wasn't enough Justin?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. 

 Justin was silent for a minute, before replying, "Don't think like that Selena. It will be enough."

 "I hope you're right." I murmured. 

 The court took a short recess to come finalize their decision on Travis's sentencing. If they even were going to sentence him that is. 

 "Justin's right Selena." Madden said, finally taking his attention away from his phone, "Everything will be fine."

 "I know." I mumbled.

 I didn't want to argue with them right now. I already know that I would lose.


 I pulled away from Justin and looked down the hallway. There was a small, chubby woman standing there. Her hair pulled into a messy bun with her dark grey, thick framed glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. 

 "Yeah?" Justin asked, taking my hand in his and entwined our fingers together.

 "They've come to a decision and they're ready to begin the sentence." She stated, "You can come back inside now." 

 "Ok, thanks." Justin nodded.

 The woman walked back through the wooden doors, letting them shut gently behind her. Madden stood up from his seat and looked at us. 

 "I'll see you guys in there." Me and Justin gave him a nod and watched as he walked back into the court room. 

 "Everything will be fine Selena." Justin reassured me.

 "How do you know that?" I asked, turning back to him. 

 "I know because I showed them what they needed to see. Proof. They all saw the pictures of you're bruises. They saw you're face when you were on the hospital bed after coming out of surgery. Every single one of them saw the harm that Travis did to you." Justin replied, "There is no way in hell that they would let him get away scott free. Just trust me on this one Selena."

 I stared at him for a few more seconds before giving in and nodded, "Fine." 

 * * * * * 

The judge went on and on, explaining to everyone about the charges that I've pressed against Travis and the evidence that Justin had shared with the entire court room before turning his attention to Travis.

 "We've come to our decision." He announced.

I held my breath, waiting for him to continue. I couldn't held but to squeeze my eyes shut. My heart was racing, pounding against my chest with every beat it took. It felt like a eternity as I droned out everything else that was surrounding me and listened to the judge list off the charges against Travis. 

"Travis Alexander Anderson, I am sentencing you to ten years in our state prison for the abuse of Selena Gomez." 

 I let out a breath of relief once those words came out of his mouth. I opened my eyes and turned towards Justin who shot up from his seat with a smile that went from ear to ear. 

"Bullshit!" Travis screamed, "I didn't fucking touch her!" 

 The judge ignored Travis's outbursts and gestured for the police to take him away. Not without a struggle though as he completely spazzed out when the police went to grab him. Of course, there wasn't much he could do. Three on one isn't exactly fair. Me, on the other hand ran to Justin, jumping into his arms and kissed him with every ounce of energy that I had left in my body.

"Thank you." I mumbled over and over again.

Let's face it. If Justin didn't come along when he did and saved me when I was on the ground crying after Travis slammed me into a wall, there is no doubt in my mind that my body would still be covered in fresh cuts and bruises. All from one man. The man that had claimed to love me. Travis Alexander Anderson. Justin saved me from the abuse and also helped to put Travis where he belongs. 

"I told you everything would be fine, didn't I?" Justin grinned, when he pulled back for air.I nodded, "Yeah, you did."He shot me a breath taking smile that made my heart melt.

 "I love you Selena." He smiled, "From now until forever."

 This boy couldn't get much better. Could he? 

"Same here Justin." I replied, with a goofy smile on my lips, "From now until forever." 

 As I said that, he planted his lips on mine. Where they belong. 

 Finally, after all of the tears and cries of pain, I finally found the one guy that cares. The boy that I love with everything I have. 

 Justin Bieber.

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