bruises and eyeliner Part 24

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-Selena's P.O.V-

"I should have been there." Justin mumbled quietly, "It was just a plain stupid idea to leave you here alone."

I sighed, sitting down beside him on my bed and rested my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hands and holding them in mine. I looked up at him but he kept his eyes on the ground, glaring at it like it did something to him. 

 "Justin, look at me." I told him. 

 He let out a quiet sigh and looked at me. I put a hand at the back of his neck and lowered his face down to mine so our foreheads were resting against each other.

 "Listen to me Justin." I murmured, "You didn't do anything wrong. None of this is your fault. I was stupid enough to open the door. Don't blame yourself for my stupidity." 

 "But what if-" He began but I stopped him with a kiss. 

 "No what if's." I smiled, "Tomorrow, this will all be over and we can move on." 

He stared at me before letting a smile spread across his face and nodded in agreement, "Yeah.. You're right."

 I pecked his lips before crawling into bed, "Come on, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

I'll admit, I was acting like what happened earlier today didn't effect me that much and I'm over it. But that wasn't the case. I'm terrified and it hurts me to think about what happened today but knowing that Justin blames himself for my stupidity hurts a lot more. I just have to get through tonight and then tomorrow, it'll all be over. Travis will be behind bars and I will finally be free to live my life 

 * * * * *

 "Babe." Justin mumbled into my shoulder. 

Shivers ran down my spine as his cool breath danced across my skin.

 "Hmm?" I mumbled into my pillow, keeping my eyes shut. 

 "Wakey wakey." He chuckled. 

 I groaned and turned to face him. Slowly opening my eyes. 

 "Give me five more minutes." I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

 He chuckled, "Come on babe, we got to get ready." 

 I sighed and sat up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands.

 "Ok, ok." I yawned, "I'm up."

 * * * * *

I stood beside Justin, outside of the court room, waiting to be called in. I was pacing back and forth because I was anxious. Justin's eyes followed me as I walked back and forth again and again. Madden just leaned lazily against the wall , staring down at his iPhone. Probably playing another game of Poker.Justin grabbed my hand and stopped me, turning me to face him.

Everything will be fine baby." He told me, caressing my cheek with his free hand, "I promise." 

I took a deep breath and nodded.

 Finally, after a couple more minutes of waiting a tall, thin man wearing a plain black suit walked up to us. 

 "Selena Gomez?" He asked me.

 "Uh yeah." I replied.

"We're ready for your case now." He stated, "Follow me, please." 

 I exchanged a glance with Justin who gave me a reassuring nod before following him into the court room. Justin followed closely behind me and Madden soon put away his phone and decided to join us.

Once everything was sorted, they brought Travis out. He looked straight at me the entire time while I answered some questions that Travis's lawyer fired at me.

"Ms. Gomez, is it true that my client, abused you for months at a time and nobody knew?" 

I nodded, "Yeah, it is."

"Why didn't you tell anyone before your current boyfriend, Mr. Bieber, came along?" 

 This guy is seriously starting to piss me off now. 

"Because, I was afraid of what Travis would do, obviously." I answered coldly. 

 The questions went on and on before they started questioning Travis. I stared at him as he -of course- lied and said that he never lay a finger on me. I glanced at Justin, he looked at me and winked reassuringly.

"Your honor." Justin spoke up, rising from his seat, "I've got something that I'd like to share."

 The judge stared at Justin for a few minutes before sighing, "Very well."

I watched Justin in confusion as he took a something out of his pocket and turned to face everyone. 

 "The images that I'm about to reveal to the court are just some of Ms. Gomez most serious injuries that she has received from Travis." Justin stated, "The hospital, and the doctor that treated her were kind enough to give these images to me." 

One picture after another, Justin continued to show everyone pictures of my injuries. People gasped. I winced at the memories. 

"If those pictures don't prove that Travis should be put behind bars then there is something definitely wrong with this court." Justin said to the jury and then pointed at Travis, "That boy shouldn't be allowed to walk around as a free man. If you guys allow him to get away with this then just wait until you get another case where a girl is abused by him."

I smiled at Justin.

 "Thank you." I mouthed to him. 

 He winked at me before turning to the judge, "Thanks for your time." 

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