:~Unusual Circumstances~:

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Hello! I hope you guys are really enjoying the read so far! I apologize for any spelling errors I make along the way, once I'm done with the story I will re-read and fix any mistakes that I have looked over!

Please Enjoy!


Third Person POV:

I couple of weeks have gone by since Tamaki and (Y/N)'s date. Over the course of this time, Tamaki and (Y/N) continued to grow closer, along with their feelings only growing stronger for one another, waiting to burst at any moment. The sport festival came and went, people normally only really want the first years, people who watch the second and third years are the parents and mentors. Mirio and Nejire of course participated, but Tamaki hates the crowds and (Y/N) was called out.

Hosu was attacked and (Y/N) was smack dab in the middle of it, but she luckily came out unscathed. Summer was approaching rapidly, The Big Four decided they would take a three day weekend off their work studies, well expect for (Y/N) she would need to request leave, and go on vacation at the beach. But as soon as their plans were all laid out, they got shattered in and instant.

"Huuuuh! What do you mean (Y/N) can't go!" Nejire practically screamed. "Apparently Nezu has requested a third year join the first years on the summer training camp, you guys would just have to go before she leaves." The teacher explained, "But why specifically (Y/N) go? There's plenty of other students." Mirio stated, (Y/N) stood there, equally as confused because this is the first she's hearing of this too. Tamaki was hit with a wave of disappointment, he magically teleported in front of a wall and stood their sulking.

"Because, Mirio your quirk would traumatize the first years since you would drop naked on the spot, Nejire is to over energetic and curious, she would only up studying the kids, and Tamaki, Tamaki wouldn't talk to any of them once and would be off hiding somewhere. And Nezu requested a Big Four member, so theres no walking around that one. (Y/N) is the perfect mix of powerful and resourceful, she gets along great with people and will be an excellent example for those students." Tamaki started to sulk more against the wall as the teacher was talking, Nejire and Mirio seemed to accept that he was right about them. (Y/N) on the other, was having trouble processing it.

"B-But I'm a sidekick! I work full time as a pro-hero too, I can't just be gone for almost the whole summer! Can I?" (Y/N) proclaimed her worries. "Endeavor has already been talked to and agrees you're the perfect candidate and has accepted the request." (Y/N) sat there stunned.

'H-How were they able to plan everything out without me even knowing??'

(Y/N) snapped out of her thoughts, just accepting her fate, "Alright, when am I leaving and meeting the class?" She asked the teacher, "Well theres still a week until summer break, and they don't leave until two weeks after, so about three and a half weeks until then. As for meeting with the students, that would be today."

(Y/N) felt her soul leave her body as Nejire and Mirio scrambled to put it back into her body. Tamaki just continued to sulk against the wall, as his plans to hang out with (Y/N) were now ruined.

"Go change into your hero costume (Y/N), you have ten minutes until it's time for you to meet them." (Y/N) continued to question how in the hell they were able to plan all of this, and only now managed to tell her all of this. She quickly got up and ran to locker room to change into her hero costume.

Shoving her costume on, she booked it to room 1-A. Not really knowing what to say or do, cause just like them, (Y/N) is learning she's going on the trip with them the say day they learn she's going.

(Y/N) looked at her watch noticing she had 2 minutes left, letting out a relieved sigh as she wanted for Aizawa to call her in. After a few more minutes she hears his voice.

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