Spoilers : Tia's "death" and confession

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Then, Tia has a chat with Verita who explains to her that Marquis Mir are now on their side and will act as a witness for the emperor faction (so they will be able to catch all the traitors now that they have an aristocrat in their side. He also tells her that Jieun will be another witness and that she told them the whole evil plan and also saved Tia.

He explains that Jenna wanted to kill Tia. Jieun heard everything, so she went to the palace. Carsein found Jieun wandering around the meeting room waiting for Ruve or one of his advisors. Realising how serious the situation was, he entrusted a messenger to deliver the information as soon as the meeting was over and immediately went to the raid with Jieun.

Ruve and the others followed as soon as they got the message from the guard. Tia understands why the masked men wanted to kill Jieun too : because she was a whistleblower. Tia is really shocked though that Jieun saved her. She wonders if she wanted to negotiate her life in case she was found involved in a treason plot (when there is a traitor, their whole family is eliminated - even the children).

So we are at Volume 5, part VII chapter 3 the knights (and Tia) are summoned to search everywhere for one of the poisoners (the ones who poisoned Ruve and Tia) whom escaped (he's called the Marquis of Mir in the translation and I've never understood who he was in the manwha - maybe we don't know him yet). So the Knights are put in teams to look for him. Tia sees Carsein and they talk for a bit. Tia has promised Carsein to meet up with him after the celebration, but they agree to postpone their getting together to after finding Mir. Tia is teamed up with Sir Lake and Lord Spia. While they run after a suspect they fall into a trap where lots of people were waiting for them. Sir Lake tries to give the alarm and get some help but he's pierced with an arrow in the chest. Another team composed of Sir Seymour (we know this one, and he's become Tia's bodyguard ^^) come to their rescue bit they're still outnumbered. They fight and it's bloody, trying to hold on for reinforcement. Then here comes Carsein in his shining armour on his white steed (kidding, but you get the meaning right?) with... Jieun!! The masked men shout to eliminate Sein and Jieun before getting rid of the target (Tia) and they all jump on them. Then Mir comes with more men and Tia thinks they're all doomed. She starts to remember her loved ones and think of how heartbroken her father will be. Then she hears horses coming : it's the royal guards led by Ruve (on his white steed) who comes to their rescue. In no time they capture everybody. Ruve jumps off his house and goes to Tia. Ruve’s rough breathing, sweaty hair, full disheveled attire, are clear evidence of how fast he ran. He stays silent but his eyes shake violently while watching Tia. "Are you injured?" he asks. "No, thank you your majesty". Ruve unhooks his cape and covers Tia with it. Then he says to the wounded knights he will hear their report later and to just go get first aid asap. Then Tia turns and see Carsein, very weak and his eyes closed. He's badly wounded.

Tia rushes to his side. "Sein!" "Tia, your oppa is very weak". Seeing that Carsein is losing consciousness Tia starts to shout. "Sein! Sein!! No, I can't lose you like this!" Then she sees Jieun and goes to her while crying "Please! Save him! I beg of you, save him!" But unfortunately Jieun's divine power is incomplete and can only heal plants, not humans. At Jieun's confession Tia is crushed.

While Tia is crying for Sein. Keirean comes. "Tia, he's fine. So calm down". Keirean says Sein only fainted because of the blood loss and he's already taken care of by the healers (the confrontation with Jieun lasted quite a bit). Then Keirean patts Tia on the head and goes to make his report. Tia goes to her teammate Lord Spia who seem unharmed.

But suddenly he grabs his chest. Tia rushes to help him and reassure him that help is coming. Spia says "Are you sure? Then we have to solve this before they arrive." And he STABS her in the belly with a dagger. ️ Shocked, Tia can only listen in silence as Spia taunts her "You're stupid. Can't you still understand the situation?" As she collapses on the ground she sees her father and Ruve looking at her, horrified. And her father, enraged, drawing his sword to kill Spia. Then Ruve rushes to her side and takes her in his arms. She can't hear anything anymore as she's dizzy, but she hears him call her name over and over again, begging her to stay alive.

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