She needs sleep... badly (OoO)

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This is the first one I could come up with before request came in so enjoy! (It's gonna get weird)

Relena's POV:

I was so tired after working on some potions and rituals all night again for the third night in a row. But I was just at a training session and was still to pumped up to sleep so I did the next best thing: cooking. It's always been a hobby of mine, but since I didn't have the best stock of 'edible' ingredients at home in my tower, I usually cook in the camp's kitchen. I know I wasn't allowed back there but it doesn't hurt anyone, right? So here I am now, deciding to bake today, mixing a batch of muffin dough together.

I was starting to doze off a bit but I knew I could at least get this stuff mixed and put away so I could come back to it after a quick power nap. I finished the dough and was just about to put it away when nodded off again and lightly hit my head on the counter which caused me to jolt my head back up. I shook my head and went to pick up the container, when I heard... music?

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I looked around to try and find the source when suddenly a muffin popped up out of nowhere. It had a little face on it and it was standing on little toothpick legs and had toothpick arms. I stood there in shock and my eyes widened when it started to sing!

"Haa! I'm a muffin. And it's muffin time!" the little muffin introduced it self. It continued, "Who wants a muffin? Please, I just wanna die.." I was very startled by what the cute little muffin-thing said. And it just kept going, "Hey somebody kill me. Please it's muffin time." It looked at me with pleading eyes and I'm still and shock as well as now being a little scared of the suicidal pastry. "Have you had a muffin today?" it gestured to me, "I wanna die, die, die!" it continued to do a little dance number with a couple other muffins that mysteriously appeared, begging for someone to eat them, and I could only question my sanity. Was this actually happening? I knew I should've slept more. I thought, blaming sleep deprivation for the predicament I was in.

"Die potato, die!" I heard to my left and I saw a potato on the ground with the same appendages as the muffins as well as a face, but above it, on the counter, was a male pixie with a frying pan. It was the one to tell the potato to die. But the potato came back with "I baked you a pie!" "Oh boy, what flavor?" "Pie, pie, pie!" then a gun came out of the pie.

I then see another muffin talking to a handful of dough. The dough said "Daad, I'm hungry!" and the muffin responded with a dad joke "Hi hungry, I'm Dad." The dough said something unexpected, "Why did you name me this way. WHY, WHY, WHY!" A few different scenes played out in front of me when three different muffins said "You're gonna die!" "We're all gonna die." "Oh, a butterfly!"

Then the chorus started again but with more muffins. But near the end of it I heard something move above me so I looked up. I then saw a teetering frying pan on top of one the cabinets... right over me. I could only blink when it suddenly tilted off and on to my face.

And then I woke up with a jolt. I looked around tiredly to find everything still in place and not a single muffin or potato around. I looked out the window to see the sun just barely lower int sunset. How long was I out? I finally put away the dough and decided to call it a day. I could always continue tomorrow. I stagger out of the kitchen while hitting my head on the door frame... again, and I walk through the cafeteria, not noticing the Kario couple sitting at one of tables giving me curious looks.

I continued to wonder through camp towards my home, my feet on autopilot while was just trying to stay awake. I might have passed by other campers, I might have not; I'm too tired to care.

Brandeen's POV:

I was staring at the peach pink and sunset orange sky as I lay in the grass. The sound of ocean waves and the light whistle of the breeze flowing through the grass around me. I was near Re's tower that I hear she now calls home because of some incident, and the reason being is I needed a potion for when me and Mario train, because he tends to get burned a bit.

I had knocked on her door and waited but when Howler came bounding outside without the satyr girl behind him, I knew she would be gone for a bit. So here I am now, just chilling with Howler in the grass until she got back. I had nothing better to do and honestly, I can see why she decided to move out here; the view was beautiful to say the least. I sigh in content as another breeze passes and I scratch Howler behind the ear. He then perks his head and looks towards the pathway that lead to this place. He jumps up and runs off towards whatever he heard so I look at where he was going and, low and behold, it was the daughter of Artemis herself.

But something did seem a bit off about her. Her shoulders were slumped forward in a tired manner, something you see often with her, but she also seemed to be practically dragging her hooves across the dirt and gravel. I could see, at least from my spot on the grass, her head kept tilting side to side and bobbing up and down. Overall, her movements were very sluggish, which was very unlike her.

I decided it would be best to get up and ask if she was fine because 1: she has something I need and 2: I'm honestly concerned, which doesn't happen often and to anyone. So I get off the grass and as I brush off a bit of stray dirt, I hear Howler whine and bark for attention. I look to see Re just continue walking while barely petting Howlers head.

I go up to her and ask "Hey Re, are you okay?" It took her a moment to respond.

"Oh heeey Brandeen what's up *yawn*? Oh I'm fine, by the way." She said to me, her words slurred about the same way as a someone on tomb juice.

"I just came by to ask you something but I can see this isn't the best time. You sure you're okay?" I was skeptical that she was telling the truth. She seems like the kind of person to say their fine when they're terminally ill or something.

"Yeah I'm fiiine just a little tired that's all." her head then lowered for a second but I snapped my fingers and she jolted awake again.

I sigh. It's come down to this hasn't it. I then get one of my arms around her and start to guide her the rest of the way to her house. She was nearly asleep on my shoulder when I finally got her in bed. She mumbled a thanks before I could hear her breathing even out.

I was trying to figure out what to do when I realize she has a TV. There was only one thing to do at that point. I started to watch series Jakey got me into, but kept the volume low so I wouldn't wake the sleeping satyr. I also stole some food from her fridge and shared it with Howler. I knew she would probably give me hell for it since I don't really know what wolves, or dogs for that matter, are allergic to, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Which may take awhile.


So a quick note please leave all request on the intro page thx 😊

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