Escaping My Evil Brothers

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For Ashl0390

Bryan's POV:

It was just another day. Just another day here in this hellhole. It's already been two weeks. I feel so weak but at the same time, I'm afraid to go to sleep. I know that when I fall asleep one of my half brothers is going to come in here and get all cuddly with me and then when I wake up they're going to make me drink more blood or something. I just want to go home already. I miss Jakey and my guild mates. When will they let me go? Will they ever let me go? I start to cry at the thought of never going home to my friends and family, or even seeing the sky again. Brandeen had just finished feeding me so I still had the awful taste of blood in my mouth, just to make things worse.

That's when I hear a loud bang outside my door, then I hear shouting that turns into fighting. One of my half brothers, Rian, comes barging into the room and my heart skipped a beat when I got a peek outside through the open door. I saw white, feathery wings attached to a cat with purple eyes. It's Lo pho I can't help but slightly smile at that and my hope rises. I'm finally getting out of here! But then the door closes and I remember that Rian is right in front of me and my hopefulness turns into fear. He comes rushing to me covered in cuts and bruises. I try to scoot away from him but he just grabs me roughly and cuts the chain that connected me to the wall with bolt cutters. He then threw me over his shoulder and started to try and climb out the window.

I started to kick and scream "HELP! GUYS I'M IN HERE!" Rian tried to keep me quiet but he was also busy trying to get the bars over the tiny window I had open. Then a thought occured. Where's Brandeen? I would've thought that they both would be in here, but I guess he's out there fighting my friends. Suddenly I was in a different place. I was sitting on the ground in a forest right next to a mountain. It took me a second to get my bearings but when I looked forwards I saw the beautiful face of my boyfriend Jakey.

He looked worried and seemed to be checking me over for injuries when he asked me,"A-are you okay?"

"I'm okay as long as you're here." I gave him a cheesy answer to which he snorted and laughed at. "What, it's true!" I told him. In my defense, it was.

"I g-guess you're f-fine then." He said when he was done laughing. "But seriously a-are you o-okay?" he asked me more seriously.

"I could be better, but I'm alright." I tell him truthfully. "Wait, how did I get here?" I asked him.

"Well I s-stopped t-time when I heard y-you yell an-and when I saw you I g-grabbed you and b-brought y-you here." He explained. I made a face of realization then I looked up the mountain when I heard the loud boom of an explosion. I then see people start to come out of an opening in the side of it and I realise it was not only the Protectors that came for me, but Divinus Magia too. They started to come down the mountain but when Kay saw me she came running and tackled me in a big hug.

"Bryan, we missed you so much!" She squealed at me then I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and I see that it's Jakey. He had a few happy tears in his eyes. I hugged them both back just as tightly and give Jakey a kiss on the forehead when I start to feel my energy drain. I realise that I still have the mana draining collar on me. Mario seems to have noticed this because he walks over to me and looks at the collar.

"What is this?" he asked. I explained what it does and he nods before walking back over to his guild leaders. He talks to them for a bit and when he comes back I'm already starting to yawn and lean into Jakey. "Okay so Ritchie and Brandon have an idea to get that off you, but we're going to have to take you back to our island. I nod and the rest of the Protectors agree so we start to walk off towards what I assume is the boat they took here since I can smell the ocean from here.

I take one last look at the mountain that held me prisoner, when I swore I could've seen Rian looking down from where the entrance to the cave was. But when I blinked he was gone. I brushed it off, thinking it was just a figment of my imagination from lack of sleep. I intertwined my fingers with Jakey's as we continued with the others back to Divinus Magia.


I wasn't to sure what to do with this one so sorry if it's not what you hoped for. Have a good day/night guys, bye!!

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