Give Me Back My Daughter... (OoO)

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Mario's POV:

It was just another day at camp and I was taking Daisy for a ride on Jeffery. I wouldn't normally do this, but she's been getting more restless as she grows and has even been bothering me and Kayla to go outside the camp. So today seemed like a nice crisp morning, so I woke Daisy up and I brought her to the stables and we got on Jeffery and took off to the savannah fields far outside of camp. We're walking through the grass, well correction, I'm walking through the grass while Daisy is on Jeffery's back still, enjoying the wildlife outside of camp. It was surprisingly quiet for being a demigod, with a valuable creature, and valuable artifacts, outside the protection of the barrier. But I shrugged it off and continued on my walk with Daisy, who really seemed to be enjoying herself.

I'm thinking about where to go next for this father daughter outing, when suddenly instinct kicks in and I roll to the side and pop back up. When I do I see that I'm suddenly surrounded by dire wolves, at least this is what Xylo described them to look like, as well as those ant people that usually attack camp, dark wizards, Stymphalian birds, and the ring leader, a guy who looked like some sort of shaman. He was dressed in wolf skins and had a strange staff that was glowing. He tapped the bottom of the staff on the ground and I was attacked by the Stymphalian birds while the wolves started to nip at Jeffery. He started to get scared and was rearing and bucking in fear as Daisy clung to his neck for dear life. I tried to get past the monsters but then I hear a shriek of pain and my heart drops. Jeffery had bucked her off and she was thrown on the ground. The wolves continued to nip at Jeffrey while an ant creature picked up my little girl by the top of her leaves on her head, as if she was a trash bag, and brought her to the shaman. Picked her up and held her like he wasn't sure how to hold a child at all and he had this face that made it seem like he was just handed a book written in a strange language. Jeffery in the meantime had gotten scared off by the dire wolves and was now circling above me.

I started seeing red. I yelled at him in fury, "PUT HER DOWN NOW!!" He ignored me as more of his forces put themselves in between me and my daughter. All I could do is watch and fight as he inspected her. After a few minutes I was fed up and I called a thunderstorm and struck down all the birds in less than three strikes. This seemed to frighten the monsters and they backed off a bit. I started to march up to the guy with a look of our rage but he barely glanced at me. "You have a lot of nerve to not be running right now yo-" I didn't get to finish as he shifted Daisy into one arm and his eyes and his staff started to glow as he changed in some ancient language that definitely wasn't ancient greek. I started to feel strange as he pointed his staff at me and I was prepared for a blast of energy or fire to come out of the staff. What I wasn't expecting was a glittery green powder to suddenly pop out of his staff on to my face before he even finished chanting. I suddenly felt very dizzy very fast and next thing I know, I'm out cold, but not before hearing the terrified screams of Daisy and the howling of hungry wolves.


My mind slowly floats back into consciousness as I flutter my eyes open. I hear a gasp and the first clear thing that enters my vision is Kaykrae's worried face. "Mario! I was so worried! When Jeffery brought me to you you were knocked out by some sleeping powder or something." I groan a bit as I take in what she said and she helps me sit up in the bed in the medical ward of her office.

I'm about to ask what happened when it all came rushing back, and that's when it hit me. "DAISY!"

Daisy's POV:

The scary voodoo man had taken me to this big cave far away from home. There were lots of monsters in the dark cave and I was really scared they would eat me, but then I was thrown into a cage made of sticks. Once he closed the door, I tried to break the sticks but I couldn't. The cage was taken into the air but it was a lot scarier than being on Jeffery. Below me was a bunch of angry looking doggies that looked like Howler but bigger and meaner. They were jumping at the cage trying to get me but it was just far enough so they could only bat at the cage with their claws.

This went on for what felt like forever, when I started to hear thunder. I got used to the sound of thunder after daddy started to show me his powers. In fact, this thunder sounded like when he does use his powers. I see lightning bolts fly across the cave as they hit the bad dogs and they start running away. Then I see him! "DADDY!" I yell from the cage. He walks through the entrance and he looked super mad, like the time when he fought on that island in the sky. He walked up to the scary man who was standing beneath me. He said in a very scary voice:

"Give. Me back. My daughter."

I'm not sure what the voodoo man said or did, but next thing I know there's another lightning strike and I'm being lowered to ground and Daddy opened the door and I have him a big hug as he squeezed me. "I'm so sorry Daisy, I won't ever let anything like that happen to you ever again!" He sounded really sad so I gave him a big hug to make him feel better. He picked me up and took me outside the cave. I was feeling really sleepy so I decided to take a nap.

Mario's POV:

Once I brought Daisy outside she fell asleep and I smiled. I still felt horrible for letting some shaman guy take my daughter, but I guess there's no going back now. I hop on Jeffery and held Daisy close as he took off. Once we got back to camp Daisy had woken up just in time for Kaykrae to meet us at the gates. She lifted Daisy from my arms and snuggled her close while the little one giggled. She suddenly turned to me with the 'you're in trouble' look.

"So why exactly was our child kidnapped?" She glared.

Oh boy, gods please have mercy. "Hehe, you see Kay, she, ahem, you know she really wanted to explore outside of camp right?"


"So I took her out for a walk with Jeffery and everything was fine and we were going to come back soon but we were ambushed by this shaman guy. I tried my hardest to get Daisy but then he, uh, pinned me down and sprayed that sleeping powder on me. Yeah that's what happened, heh." I rubbed the back of my head nervously. "But what really matters is that I got her back and she's unharmed." Kay looked a bit more than peeved with me for not telling her anything about our outing. She slithered up to my face and when I thought she was going to chew me out, she kissed me instead and I happily kissed back.

When we pulled away she looked completely calm. "As long as she's happy, I'm happy. Come on let's get her back in her pot." She slithered off to my house as I told Jeffery to head back to the stables. As I followed her I let out a sigh of relief and thanked the gods above that things didn't turn out any worse than they did.

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