Misty cuddles (FTO)

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For Canada_lover934

Brandon's POV:

I was walking towards the docks with a small smile and a bit of pink dusting my cheeks. You see I was on my way to see a certain water god slayer for a little date I had in mind for us, and I just know he's going to love it.

When I get to the destination, I see a figure sitting at the end of the docks and I know exactly who it is. So you know what I do? I stay as quiet as possible, which isn't very hard being me, and I get right behind him. Lucas still hasn't noticed I was there but something compels him to turn around. When he does, I simply say "Hello love." and he jumps up.

"GAH, don't scare me like that!" He exclaims while playfully shoving me. I can't help but giggle at his reaction.

"You ready to go?" I lent him my hand and help him up.

"Oh course." he replies and I put us in an air bubble together and we head of. I take him to this clearing in the woods that I found a couple of days ago that had a thin path that leads towards a mountain. We land in the clearing and I lead him down the path, talking and laughing all the way.

When we finally made it to the end of the path it took us to a cave that went downwards. "Where does this lead exactly?" Lucas asked me.

"You'll see." was the only thing I said before taking his hand and bringing him into the cave. Once we were at the bottom, I could hear a stunned gasp from the male beside me, which made me smile.

At the bottom of the cave was a few underground fresh water pools that glowed vibrant shades of blue, magenta, and purple because of the algae. At the back of this area was a waterfall that flowed into these pools and created a cool mist that floated above the ponds. It was really a sight to see.

"I knew you'd love it here." I smile even more as he looks up at me, still in awe.

"This is beautiful Brandon. How did you find this place?"

"Someone did a little digging around." I shrug casually and motion for him to come with me. I wade into the pool closest to the waterfall and sit down, the water only coming up to around my chest. Lucas hops in after me and instantly pull him in to a hug and he cuddles into me. We stay like this for a few minutes before I feel a pair of lips on my chin.

"Love you babe." he says sleepily.

"You to Love." I kiss his forehead and fall asleep.


Hope you guys enjoy this little fluffy thing I did. (I guess this is what my mind comes up with while the whole house is sick and you pretty much can do what you want so long as you don't wake anyone.) I promise I'll get to finishing another chapter of Dragon Bros soon. Bye!!

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