Cat demigods vs Magic Dragons

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Request from Miniwinterwolf. This is a combo of my fanfic and theirs so if your a little lost you can check out our books. Enjoy!

Bryan's (DB) POV

Me and my brothers were in the cave that Mario found trying to figure out how to get back home, when suddenly we hear a strange whirring noise and... cats meowing? Well, it was more like that, mixed with talking; like how I hear my brothers but cats. I was about to mention it to everyone but Mario beat me to it.

"Do you guys hear that?" he asks as he lifts his head, which resulted in him hitting his head on the ceiling. Why is he so freaking tall?

"Yeah, I heard it to. It sounded like cats and people?" I tell him. We decided as a group that we would check it out. I took the lead, Mario was right on my tail, and Colin and Mitch were taking up the rear side by side. We head out into the rain and walk until we get to a small clearing with a bunch of cats, all of them gathered around this one black one with purple eyes. That one seemed like the leader. And they were talking.

I'm standing at the edge of the clearing and my brothers are next to me watching. I'm mainly surprised they didn't hear us. One of the cats towards the back, a small grey one with an slightly fluffy tail that looked more like a wolf's tail and big ears, turned around and looked at Mitch and Colin.

It seemed traumatized for a few seconds before stuttering out. "V-v-v-v-vipertail" and a rust and red colored cat with only three legs turned to the kitten.

"What is it Re?" the female sounding cat asked the one who noticed us. She saw that the grey cat, "Re" was staring at something, so she looks in the same direction and finally noticed us in the shadows.

"Um, hi?" I said nervously and gave a small wave with my claw. She then proceeded to scream like a banshee. I heard Mario wince a bit. All the cats turned to her, then to us, then they started to panic as well. The cat that screamed, Vipertail, picked up Re by the scruff with her teeth and backed away from us. Some started to pick up the smaller cats as well, while a few got in front of them and started hissing and growling at us.

In a few short seconds, the cats made it so that the small ones were behind all of them, most of them were in a defensive stance in front of them, and the leader, I think, was at the front with a yellow, blue eyed cat with a bit of cream colored fur, next to him, both standing bravely.

And what did we do? Absolutely nothing. We were a little dumbfounded about what just happened. I was the first to snap out of my shock so I tried to calm down the situation. "Woah, woah, calm down we're not here to hurt you." I say as I come out from the tree line with my claws up. I motion for my brothers to do the same, well tell Mario because, well you know. The leader of the cats whispers to the yellow one next to it then steps forward.

"Who are you? What are you?" He asks.

"Well I'm Bryan, and these are my brothers: Mario, Mitch, and Colin. We are dragons but we're not sure why." I explain in the most friendly tone I can muster. "And your name is?"

"Well I am.. Shadestar leader of shadowclan. And this is my deputy, Sparkfur." Shadestar motions to the yellow cat by his side. Shadestar seemed hesitant to say his name for a moment, I found that odd but decided to leave it be.

"So, how did you guys get hear?" Mario decided to ask.

"Well you see, we don't really know. We were just going about our day in our camp when something like a portal popped up and dragged us all in." Shadestar explained.

"That sounds really similar to what happened to us." Colin tells them. Shadestar gives us a disbelieving look. "It's true! We use to be human, but then we got sucked into a portal and here we are!" he explained. This seemed to really surprise the cats.

"Do you know if there's a way back?" Sparkfur spoke to us for the first time (legit almost typed furst lol) and I noticed he sounded extremely similar to Mario.

"We don't know, we've only been here for a few hours." Mario told them. Some of the cats looked a little disappointed when they heard this especially the three smallest ones in the back.

I decided that I should try to lighten the mood. "But you know, it's alright. You guys should come back to our cave since it's all wet out here and maybe we could get something to eat?" I offered to Shadestar. At this point most of the cats had relaxed but some were still suspicious. He looked like he was about to turn me down but then Sparkfur nudged him and motioned his head to the other cats. I noticed some were starting to shiver, mainly the three kittens and most of the other young looking ones. He looked towards this one cat with one purple eye and one blue eye and that cat nodded. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Mitch and he was beckoning me behind Mario.

I come close to Mitch and he whisper yelled "What are you doing?! You can't just invite total strangers into our only shelter!"

"Oh come on Mitch it's a bunch of kitties! What harm could they do? Plus, you wouldn't just leave a bunch of kitties out in the rain, would you? I know you're not that heartless." I plead while using my secret weapon: puppy dog eyes. He tries to resist but in the end I come out victorious and, after getting the okay from the others and Shadestar, we lead the clan of lost cats to our cave. Once we got inside I started a fire as Mitch went to go get food.

Colin and I just got the cats settled around the fire when I feel something furry on leg. I look down to see three cats, one of them I remember is the one that noticed us first. One of the other ones is all white and the last one is Shadestar. Shadestar had put a paw on my leg to get my attention. I look him curiously. "What is it Shadestar?"

"Do you happen to know what your brother is going to bring back?" He asked

"Well it's most likely going to be fish or rabbit. Why do you ask?"

"Well your other brother is kinda... eating the wall." He then looks over to the wall of the cave. I follow his gaze and Mario is indeed scraping large stones off the wall and eating them while Sparkfur looked on in horror.

"Oh don't worry about him, he can do that." I say in the most casual way possible. The three cats in front of me just stare blankly for a second before one of them decides to break the silence.

"Well anyways, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Wolfkit and thank you for letting us stay in your cave." she smiled. "And this is Quietpaw. As his name suggest, he's pretty quiet." She introduced the little white cat with blue eyes who gave me a small wave. He was a little bigger than Wolfkit but he's still pretty small compared to some of the other cats.

Wait didn't Vipertail call her Re? I brush the thought off though. "Well it's nice to meet you guys."

The rest of the night was smooth sailing. I got introduced to the other cats and I learned a bit about how they get named. Then Mitch came back with a bunch of fish that we cooked and handed out. The rest of my bros got introduced as well and everyone got along well. There was stories shared and laughs well into the night and by midnight, all the young ones are asleep and the cats that aren't are all settling down. I'm laying down and I'm about to fall  asleep when I feel something soft curl up next to me. I look and see that it was Re, er, Wolfkit, who was so afraid of me at first, but I can't help but silently coo at how cute she was. And with that in mind, I drift off to sleep.

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