Cat Demigods vs Magic Dragons Part 2

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Requested by Miniwinterwolf

Colin's (DB) POV:

I wake up with a yawn as the morning sun pierces into my eyes. I'm about to stretch out when I feel something soft snuggled next to my wing. I look to see Poolpelt, the medicine cat if I remember correctly. He must've been woken up by my yawn because I heard him yawn too. He looked up at me and realized I was awake "Oh sorry, it got a little cold last night." He then got up to stretch.

I noticed yesterday that he sounded a lot like Mitch and I even heard one of the other cats call him Mitch. I'm not sure if I should ask about that but I might do it later. "It's alright, it does get really cold at night." I look around the cave to see that most of the cats were all cuddled up to each other but there was at least one cat with each of my brothers. Well except Mario, he had three cats on him. Sparkfur was on his foot, Sweetpaw, a white she-cat with pink eyes, was on his tail, and somehow, Featherkit, another white cat with violet eyes, was nestled comfortably on the crown of spikes on Mario's head. He also didn't seem to mind this at all. Bryan on the other hand, had Wolfkit curled up next to him, and it looked adorable. And Mitch, of course, had Vipertail near him. That's kinda ironic. I looked back at Poolpelt and noticed he seemed a little down on his spirits. "How are you holding up Poolpelt?"

"I'm alright, this wouldn't be my first rodeo-" he cut himself of, as if he wasn't suppose to say that. I looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He looked a bit panicked but then he just sighed and sat down. "Okay, so this isn't the first time we've been sucked through a portal and taken to a different world. Everyone here except Stormpaw, use to be human." He started to look off over the other cats. "But then one day me, Mario, Xylo, and Brick all got sucked into a portal and suddenly we were kittens. It was a long process but eventually everyone from camp turned up, whether they were born into the clan, or they were a kittypet, and some of them are even rouges." He finally looked back at me and I was pretty lost. Who are the people he mentioned? What's a kittypet? What's a rouge? He seemed to notice my confusion, because then he elaborated on the answers to my unspoken questions. Apparently a kittypet is a just a pet cat, a rouge is a cat that doesn't belong to a clan or a human, and they also call humans, two-legs. "So Shadestar is also Xylo, Sparkfur's name was Mario, my name used to be Mitch, and Brick isn't here."

"Oh so Wolfkit's name was Re right?" I remember the first time we all met that Vipertail called Wolfkit Re.

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"Well I heard it the first time we met."

"Oh. Well, what do you usually do now?" he seems to want to change the topic, which I can understand why.

"Well by now, Mitch would be awake and he would've gone to get food, Bryan likes to sleep in so he won't wake up for awhile, I don't really know when Mario wakes up because he just suddenly pops to life whenever, and I usually just sit in here in the cold until Bryan wakes up 'cause he's the only one who can build a decent fire pit." I gesture to the snoring fire dragon with the little kitten.

I hear a small yawn and I see that Vipertail, or Kay as I've learned, just woke up and is stretching. She sees that we're awake too. "Morning guys. How'd you sleep?" She came over and sat down next to Poolpelt.

"It was fine I guess." I really.

"A little cold but fine." Poolpelt shrugged, I think.

The rest of the morning we waited for the others to get up. Mitch got up at his usual time and went hunting. About half the cats woke up and we're just chatting and hanging out. Bryan was even playing with the apprentices. But it was only when Mitch announced that he had returned with for an hour later, that Mario decided to come alive.

When he did Marshie was climbing around his crown of spikes and Sweetpaw was talking with Dawnflight while still on his tail. When he cracks to life he usually twitches his head a lot. So Marshie was nearly flung off of his head, Sweetpaw was a bit shaken, and Dawnflight was almost hit in the face. "Woah, easy there dude." Featherkit warned him while laughing as she carefully got off his head.

"Sorry, didn't know you were there." Poolpelt went over and looked over Featherkit while reminding her to be more careful. After another while of talking, we decided with Shadestar that it would be good to not be cooped up in this cave, though Mitch would like to disagree. But it was a sunny day for once, so we were going to take advantage of the clear weather. We all went outside so the warriors could do some training with the apprentices. And while that was happening, Mario was standing guard and acting as a jungle gym for Featherkit at the same time, Mitch was trying to avoid the kits and some of the apprentices, and I was just chilling in the shade with, you guessed it, Shadestar.

"It's a pretty nice day today, considering it's been raining for days." I try starting a conversation with the leader.

"I guess so." He said in a not very enthusiastic tone.

"What's up?"

"Well you see, uh. *Sigh* I just hope we can go back to our previous camp soon, I'm tired of being thrown through dimensions and starting my life over, you know?" Well this got super deep quick.

He looks like he's about to say something but I intervene. "Yeah I get what you mean. I use to travel from town to town and, I have this, condition, that makes me murder people. And, uh, yeah I moved around a lot, heh." I nervously smile, knowing full well I could've lost all his trust. But he just looked at me then sighed.

"Yeah it sucks, but you get through it. Just wish we could go back." He put his head between his paws.

"Well if this does keep happening to you then maybe it'll come full circle one day, you know?" I try to lift his spirits and it seems to work.

"Yeah. Yeah maybe." We fall into a comfortable silence as we watch over the rest of our friends as Bryan was playing with the kits, Mitch is finally cornered and forced to hang out with two of the apprentices, and Mario was chatting with the alternate cat version of himself.

It's starting to get dark and we were all heading back to the cave, when all of a sudden there's a loud boom behind us that startles some of the cats into the trees or bushes and Mario to go on the offensive. When I turn around I see a portal looking puddle in the ground. The cats approach the puddle and some look excited while a few looked scared.

Shadestar turns to look at us and says with a smile, "I think we're going in." Me and my brothers voice out concern, after telling Mario what's in front of us, but Shadestar interrupted. "Trust me when I say this but, this is how we're getting home, I know it." He then turned his head to Sparkfur and nodded which the sandy tom returned before telling the clan to jump in. Slowly, one by one, they entered the portal. "Don't worry about us, we've been through worse." Shadestar smiled before hopping in the portal himself. Almost all of them were through except for Sparkfur and Wolfkit. She turned to us and gave us a warm smile before jumping in and the last cat followed. Once he did the portal closed.

We started heading back to our cave when I remembered something. "Oh guys, you wanna know something interesting?" They nodded. "Well Poolpelt told me that this wasn't the first time they've all traveled dimensions." They were confused, so I gave them the same details Poolpelt, or Mitch, told me.

They were all pretty surprised to say the least.

"What do you mean the medic was an alternate me?!"
"I could see that as well as the ones that sounded like us, but I hadn't  thought that an alternate Jakey could be so, confident."
"What's that supposed to mean? My Jakey's just fine. But a chill and not childish Kayla? Huh, that'll be the day. Oh wait, today was the day."

We continued to talk about the counter parts as well as wondering if they were okay right now. Something is telling me they are just fine.

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