A Lovesick Fish and A Seasick Bird (OoO)

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Mitch's POV:

I duck back under the water looking for the perfect piece of coral to finish my gift. My eyes finally land on a purple branch that was absolutely perfect. I carefully broke it off from the ocean floor and bundle it with the other pieces of coral and ocean flora, then I head to the surface. Once I break the surface I look around to check if a certain harpy was around, and I sigh in relief when she wasn't. I head towards the camp docks and stroll around to see if I can find Marsh and start the date early. I'm especially excited for this because it's our first real date. We've been on two "dates" before but they were more like hangouts, considering Xylo was supposed to be my wingman once, but turned into the third wheel. This time will be different though, I'll do it right, I hope.

I finally find her while she's talking to Mario. I stop and listen for a second, despite my logic telling me that I shouldn't eavesdrop, they looked like they were going to part ways anyways. "Actually, do you think you could help me real quick?" Mario had asked her.

Nevermind. "Uh sure I have a few minutes if it's quick." But it's nearly time for our date... I mean as long as it's quick I could wait. I try to reassure myself.

"There's something in a tower dungeon nearby and there's an artifact in there that's on a tall pillar and I can't get it."

"Oh sure I can get that." Oh okay, it shouldn't take that long then, I can wait. I walk back to the docks, which is where we planned on meeting up.

And I waited. And waited. And waited. I waited for about 2 hours and she still hasn't shown up. I can't help but feel that my worst fear has come true. I sigh in defeat and head to Xylo's cave. What did I expect. She might have went with him to get out of our date. I wouldn't blame her though, she deserves so much better; I can't even use any magic that I should've inherited from Poseidon. I make it back to the cave and manage to dodge Xylo's concerned questions and I lock myself in my room. I put the bouquet of sea plants in my little pool in the middle of my room. I brushed the lily pads in my pool to one side so that they float over my gift to Marshie. I then just sit in the clear side of my pool and take a moment to try to clear my head, but that only made things worse.

As soon as I got my own conscious thoughts to quiet, the demons in my head came out. They started to bombard me with thoughts like, "You don't deserve her; She doesn't love you; How did you think you would ever find love with anyone; No one would love a weakling like you." It then turned into darker thoughts moving away from Marshie and just anything bad about myself. I tried to counteract them but I haven't been in the best place since the Trident trial, so it just got worse. I was so consumed with trying to not let the thoughts get to me, that I didn't realize I was crying rivers. I hugged one knee to my chest and eventually just gave up and let the dark consume me.

Marshie's POV:

"Why, didn't you, tell me it, was floating." I gasp for breath as I clumsily land in front of Mario's house.

"How was I supposed to know you get seasickness?!" He retorts when he lands next to me on Jeffery.


You see the thing is that we went to the tower and I was expecting it to be on land but it was floating on the water like raft. I didn't think anything of it, but was nervous of the little island flipping over since the water was pretty rough. Once I landed on the tower though, it didn't take long for me to realize that I get seasick, which made this much more difficult. And then the sea serpents came and we had a hard time losing them since there were so many. So this took a much longer time than expected.

Then it hit me. "I'm late for my date!!" I bolt into my cabin, thankfully it's right next to Mario's, and I try to freshen up as quickly as possible.

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